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Get Instruments Info

Query for the instrument specification of online trading pairs.

Covers: Spot / USDT perpetual / USDC contract / Inverse contract / Option

  • Spot does not support pagination, so limit, cursor are invalid.
  • When query by baseCoin, regardless of category=linear or inverse, the result will have USDT perpetual, USDC contract and Inverse contract symbols.

HTTP Request

GET /v5/market/instruments-info

Request Parameters

categorytruestringProduct type. spot,linear,inverse,option
symbolfalsestringSymbol name, like BTCUSDT, uppercase only
statusfalsestringSymbol status filter
  • spot has Trading only
  • PreLaunch: when category=linear&status=PreLaunch, it returns pre-market perpetual contract
baseCoinfalsestringBase coin, uppercase only
  • Apply tolinear,inverse,option only
  • option: it returns BTC by default
  • limitfalseintegerLimit for data size per page. [1, 1000]. Default: 500
    cursorfalsestringCursor. Use the nextPageCursor token from the response to retrieve the next page of the result set

    Response Parameters

    categorystringProduct type
    nextPageCursorstringCursor. Used to pagination
    > symbolstringSymbol name
    > contractTypestringContract type
    > statusstringInstrument status
    > baseCoinstringBase coin
    > quoteCoinstringQuote coin
    > launchTimestringLaunch timestamp (ms)
    > deliveryTimestringDelivery timestamp (ms)
    > deliveryFeeRatestringDelivery fee rate
    > priceScalestringPrice scale
    > leverageFilterObjectLeverage attributes
    >> minLeveragestringMinimum leverage
    >> maxLeveragestringMaximum leverage
    >> leverageStepstringThe step to increase/reduce leverage
    > priceFilterObjectPrice attributes
    >> minPricestringMinimum order price
    >> maxPricestringMaximum order price
    >> tickSizestringThe step to increase/reduce order price
    > lotSizeFilterObjectSize attributes
    >> minNotionalValuestringMinimum notional value
    >> maxOrderQtystringMaximum quantity for Limit and PostOnly order
    >> maxMktOrderQtystringMaximum quantity for Market order
    >> minOrderQtystringMinimum order quantity
    >> qtyStepstringThe step to increase/reduce order quantity
    >> postOnlyMaxOrderQtystringDepreciated, please use maxOrderQty
    > unifiedMarginTradebooleanWhether to support unified margin trade
    > fundingIntervalintegerFunding interval (minute)
    > settleCoinstringSettle coin
    > copyTradingstringCopy trade symbol or not
    > upperFundingRatestringUpper limit of funding date
    > lowerFundingRatestringLower limit of funding date
    > isPreListingboolean
  • Whether the contract is a pre-market contract
  • When the pre-market contract is converted to official contract, it will be false
  • > preListingInfoobject
  • If isPreListing=false, preListingInfo=null
  • If isPreListing=true, preListingInfo is an object
  • >> curAuctionPhasestringThe current auction phase
    >> phasesarray<object>Each phase time info
    >>> phasestringpre-market trading phase
    >>> startTimestringThe start time of the phase, timestamp(ms)
    >>> endTimestringThe end time of the phase, timestamp(ms)
    >> auctionFeeInfoobjectAction fee info
    >>> auctionFeeRatestringThe trading fee rate during auction phase
  • There is no trading fee until entering continues trading phase
  • >>> takerFeeRatestringThe taker fee rate during continues trading phase
    >>> makerFeeRatestringThe maker fee rate during continues trading phase

    Request Example

    GET /v5/market/instruments-info?category=linear&symbol=BTCUSDT HTTP/1.1

    Response Example

    // official USDT Perpetual instrument structure
    "retCode": 0,
    "retMsg": "OK",
    "result": {
    "category": "linear",
    "list": [
    "symbol": "BTCUSDT",
    "contractType": "LinearPerpetual",
    "status": "Trading",
    "baseCoin": "BTC",
    "quoteCoin": "USDT",
    "launchTime": "1585526400000",
    "deliveryTime": "0",
    "deliveryFeeRate": "",
    "priceScale": "2",
    "leverageFilter": {
    "minLeverage": "1",
    "maxLeverage": "100.00",
    "leverageStep": "0.01"
    "priceFilter": {
    "minPrice": "0.10",
    "maxPrice": "199999.80",
    "tickSize": "0.10"
    "lotSizeFilter": {
    "maxOrderQty": "100.000",
    "maxMktOrderQty": "100.000",
    "minOrderQty": "0.001",
    "qtyStep": "0.001",
    "postOnlyMaxOrderQty": "1000.000",
    "minNotionalValue": "5"
    "unifiedMarginTrade": true,
    "fundingInterval": 480,
    "settleCoin": "USDT",
    "copyTrading": "both",
    "upperFundingRate": "0.00375",
    "lowerFundingRate": "-0.00375"
    "nextPageCursor": ""
    "retExtInfo": {},
    "time": 1707186451514

    // Pre-market Perpetual instrument structure
    "retCode": 0,
    "retMsg": "OK",
    "result": {
    "category": "linear",
    "list": [
    "symbol": "PRE02ZROUSDT",
    "contractType": "LinearPerpetual",
    "status": "PreLaunch",
    "baseCoin": "PRE02ZRO",
    "quoteCoin": "USDT",
    "launchTime": "1718610229000",
    "deliveryTime": "0",
    "deliveryFeeRate": "",
    "priceScale": "3",
    "leverageFilter": {
    "minLeverage": "1",
    "maxLeverage": "5.00",
    "leverageStep": "0.01"
    "priceFilter": {
    "minPrice": "0.001",
    "maxPrice": "1999.998",
    "tickSize": "0.001"
    "lotSizeFilter": {
    "maxOrderQty": "10000.0",
    "minOrderQty": "0.1",
    "qtyStep": "0.1",
    "postOnlyMaxOrderQty": "10000.0",
    "maxMktOrderQty": "2000.0",
    "minNotionalValue": "5"
    "unifiedMarginTrade": true,
    "fundingInterval": 480,
    "settleCoin": "USDT",
    "copyTrading": "none",
    "upperFundingRate": "0.03",
    "lowerFundingRate": "-0.03",
    "isPreListing": true,
    "preListingInfo": {
    "curAuctionPhase": "ContinuousTrading",
    "phases": [
    "phase": "CallAuction",
    "startTime": "1718621400000",
    "endTime": "1718707200000"
    "phase": "CallAuctionNoCancel",
    "startTime": "1718707200000",
    "endTime": "1718707500000"
    "phase": "CrossMatching",
    "startTime": "1718707500000",
    "endTime": "1718707800000"
    "phase": "ContinuousTrading",
    "startTime": "1718707800000",
    "endTime": ""
    "auctionFeeInfo": {
    "auctionFeeRate": "0",
    "takerFeeRate": "0.001",
    "makerFeeRate": "0.0004"
    "nextPageCursor": ""
    "retExtInfo": {},
    "time": 1719455285151