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Get Wallet Balance

Obtain wallet balance, query asset information of each currency, and account risk rate information. By default, currency information with assets or liabilities of 0 is not returned.

  • The trading of UTA inverse contracts is conducted through the CONTRACT wallet.
  • To get Funding wallet balance, please go to this endpoint

HTTP Request

GET /v5/account/wallet-balance

Request Parameters

accountTypetruestringAccount type
  • Unified account: UNIFIED (trade spot/linear/options), CONTRACT(trade inverse)
  • Classic account: CONTRACT, SPOT
coinfalsestringCoin name, uppercase only
  • If not passed, it returns non-zero asset info
  • You can pass multiple coins to query, separated by comma. USDT,USDC

Response Parameters

> accountTypestringAccount type
> accountLTVstringThis field has been depreciated
> accountIMRatestringInitial Margin Rate: Account Total Initial Margin Base Coin / Account Margin Balance Base Coin. In non-unified mode & unified (inverse) & unified (isolated_margin), the field will be returned as an empty string.
> accountMMRatestringMaintenance Margin Rate: Account Total Maintenance Margin Base Coin / Account Margin Balance Base Coin. In non-unified mode & unified (inverse) & unified (isolated_margin), the field will be returned as an empty string.
> totalEquitystringTotal Equity is calculated by adding the fiat currency valuation of the equity of each coin in your account. In non-unified mode & unified (inverse), the field will be returned as an empty string.
> totalWalletBalancestringWallet Balance of account converted to usd:∑ Asset Wallet Balance By USD value of each asset。In non-unified mode & unified (inverse) & unified (isolated_margin), the field will be returned as an empty string.
> totalMarginBalancestringMargin Balance of account converted to usd:totalWalletBalance + totalPerpUPL. In non-unified mode & unified (inverse) & unified (isolated_margin), the field will be returned as an empty string.
> totalAvailableBalancestringAvailable Balance of account converted to usd:Regular mode:totalMarginBalance - totalInitialMargin. In non-unified mode & unified (inverse) & unified (isolated_margin), the field will be returned as an empty string.
> totalPerpUPLstringUnrealised P&L of Perpetuals and USDC Futures of account converted to usd:∑ Each Perp and USDC Futures upl by base coin. In non-unified mode & unified (inverse), the field will be returned as an empty string.
> totalInitialMarginstringInitial Margin of account converted to usd:∑ Asset Total Initial Margin Base Coin. In non-unified mode & unified (inverse) & unified (isolated_margin), the field will be returned as an empty string.
> totalMaintenanceMarginstringMaintenance Margin of account converted to usd: ∑ Asset Total Maintenance Margin Base Coin. In non-unified mode & unified (inverse) & unified (isolated_margin), the field will be returned as an empty string.
> coinarrayObject
>> coinstringCoin name, such as BTC, ETH, USDT, USDC
>> equitystringEquity of current coin
>> usdValuestringUSD value of current coin
>> walletBalancestringWallet balance of current coin
>> freestringAvailable balance for Spot wallet. This is a unique field for Classic SPOT
>> lockedstringLocked balance due to the Spot open order
>> spotHedgingQtystringThe spot asset qty that is used to hedge in the portfolio margin, truncate to 8 decimals and "0" by default This is a unique field for Unified account
>> borrowAmountstringBorrow amount of current coin
>> availableToBorrowstringDepreciated field, always return "" due to feature of main-sub UID sharing borrow quota. Please refer to availableToBorrow in the Get Collateral Info
>> availableToWithdrawstringAvailable amount to withdraw of current coin
>> accruedIntereststringAccrued interest
>> totalOrderIMstringPre-occupied margin for order. For portfolio margin mode, it returns ""
>> totalPositionIMstringSum of initial margin of all positions + Pre-occupied liquidation fee. For portfolio margin mode, it returns ""
>> totalPositionMMstringSum of maintenance margin for all positions. For portfolio margin mode, it returns ""
>> unrealisedPnlstringUnrealised P&L
>> cumRealisedPnlstringCumulative Realised P&L
>> bonusstringBonus. This is a unique field for UNIFIED account
>> marginCollateralbooleanWhether it can be used as a margin collateral currency (platform), true: YES, false: NO
  • When marginCollateral=false, then collateralSwitch is meaningless
  • >> collateralSwitchbooleanWhether the collateral is turned on by user (user), true: ON, false: OFF
  • When marginCollateral=true, then collateralSwitch is meaningful

  • Request Example

    GET /v5/account/wallet-balance?accountType=UNIFIED&coin=BTC HTTP/1.1
    X-BAPI-TIMESTAMP: 1672125440406

    Response Example

    "retCode": 0,
    "retMsg": "OK",
    "result": {
    "list": [
    "totalEquity": "3.31216591",
    "accountIMRate": "0",
    "totalMarginBalance": "3.00326056",
    "totalInitialMargin": "0",
    "accountType": "UNIFIED",
    "totalAvailableBalance": "3.00326056",
    "accountMMRate": "0",
    "totalPerpUPL": "0",
    "totalWalletBalance": "3.00326056",
    "accountLTV": "0",
    "totalMaintenanceMargin": "0",
    "coin": [
    "availableToBorrow": "3",
    "bonus": "0",
    "accruedInterest": "0",
    "availableToWithdraw": "0",
    "totalOrderIM": "0",
    "equity": "0",
    "totalPositionMM": "0",
    "usdValue": "0",
    "spotHedgingQty": "0.01592413",
    "unrealisedPnl": "0",
    "collateralSwitch": true,
    "borrowAmount": "0.0",
    "totalPositionIM": "0",
    "walletBalance": "0",
    "cumRealisedPnl": "0",
    "locked": "0",
    "marginCollateral": true,
    "coin": "BTC"
    "retExtInfo": {},
    "time": 1690872862481