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Get Collateral Info

Get the collateral information of the current unified margin account, including loan interest rate, loanable amount, collateral conversion rate, whether it can be mortgaged as margin, etc.

HTTP Request

GET /v5/account/collateral-info

Request Parameters

currencyfalsestringAsset currency of all current collateral, uppercase only

Response Parameters

> currencystringCurrency of all current collateral
> hourlyBorrowRatestringHourly borrow rate
> maxBorrowingAmountstringMax borrow amount. This value is shared across main-sub UIDs
> freeBorrowingLimitstringThe maximum limit for interest-free borrowing
  • Only the borrowing caused by contracts unrealised loss has interest-free amount
  • Spot margin borrowing always has interest
> freeBorrowAmountstringThe amount of borrowing within your total borrowing amount that is exempt from interest charges
> borrowAmountstringBorrow amount
> otherBorrowAmountstringThe sum of borrowing amount for other accounts under the same main account
> freeBorrowingAmountstringdeprecated field, always return "", please refer to freeBorrowingLimit
> availableToBorrowstringAvailable amount to borrow. This value is shared across main-sub UIDs
> borrowablebooleanWhether currency can be borrowed
> borrowUsageRatestringBorrow usage rate: sum of main & sub accounts borrowAmount/maxBorrowingAmount, it is an actual value, 0.5 means 50%
> marginCollateralbooleanWhether it can be used as a margin collateral currency (platform), true: YES, false: NO
  • When marginCollateral=false, then collateralSwitch is meaningless
  • > collateralSwitchbooleanWhether the collateral is turned on by user (user), true: ON, false: OFF
  • When marginCollateral=true, then collateralSwitch is meaningful
  • > collateralRatiostringDue to the new Tiered Collateral value logic, this field will no longer be accurate starting on February 19, 2025. Please refer to Get Tiered Collateral Ratio

    Request Example

    GET /v5/account/collateral-info?currency=BTC HTTP/1.1
    X-BAPI-TIMESTAMP: 1672127952719

    Response Example

    "retCode": 0,
    "retMsg": "OK",
    "result": {
    "list": [
    "availableToBorrow": "3",
    "freeBorrowingAmount": "",
    "freeBorrowAmount": "0",
    "maxBorrowingAmount": "3",
    "hourlyBorrowRate": "0.00000147",
    "borrowUsageRate": "0",
    "collateralSwitch": true,
    "borrowAmount": "0",
    "borrowable": true,
    "currency": "BTC",
    "otherBorrowAmount": "0",
    "marginCollateral": true,
    "freeBorrowingLimit": "0",
    "collateralRatio": "0.95"
    "retExtInfo": {},
    "time": 1691565901952