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Error Codes


400Bad request. Need to send the request with GET / POST (must be capitalized)
401Invalid request. 1. Need to use the correct key to access; 2. Need to put authentication params in the request header
403Forbidden request. Possible causes: 1. IP rate limit breached; 2. You send GET request with an empty json body; 3. You are using U.S IP
404Cannot find path. Possible causes: 1. Wrong path; 2. Category value does not match account mode
429System level frequency protection. Please retry when encounter this

WS OE General code

104041. op type is not found; 2. category is not correct/supported
10429System level frequency protection
10003Too many sessions under the same UID
100161. internal server error; 2. Service is restarting
10019ws trade service is restarting, do not accept new request, but the request in the process is not affected. You can build new connection to be routed to normal service
20003Too frequent requests under the same session
20006reqId is duplicated


429The trading service is experiencing a high server load. Please retry if you encounter this issue.
-2015(Spot) Your api key has expired
33004(Derivatives) Your api key has expired
10000Server Timeout
10001Request parameter error
10002The request time exceeds the time window range.
10003API key is invalid. Check whether the key and domain are matched, there are 4 env: mainnet, testnet, mainnet-demo, testnet-demo
10004Error sign, please check your signature generation algorithm.
10005Permission denied, please check your API key permissions.
10006Too many visits. Exceeded the API Rate Limit.
10007User authentication failed.
10008Common banned, please check your account mode
10009IP has been banned.
10010Unmatched IP, please check your API key's bound IP addresses.
10014Invalid duplicate request.
10016Server error.
10017Route not found.
10018Exceeded the IP Rate Limit.
10024Compliance rules triggered
10027Transactions are banned.
10029The requested symbol is invalid, please check symbol whitelist
10028The API can only be accessed by unified account users.
30133OTC loan: The symbol you select for USDT Perpetual is not allowed by Institutional Lending
30134OTC loan: The symbol you select for USDC Contract is not allowed by Institutional Lending
30135The leverage you select for USDT Perpetual trading cannot exceed the maximum leverage allowed by Institutional Lending.
30136The leverage you select for USDC Perpetual or Futures trading cannot exceed the maximum leverage allowed by Institutional Lending.
40004the order is modified during the process of replacing , please check the order status again
100028The API cannot be accessed by unified account users.
110001Order does not exist
110003Order price exceeds the allowable range.
110004Wallet balance is insufficient
110005position status
110006The assets are estimated to be unable to cover the position margin
110007Available balance is insufficient
110008The order has been completed or cancelled.
110009The number of stop orders exceeds the maximum allowable limit. You can find references in our API doc.
110010The order has been cancelled
110011Liquidation will be triggered immediately by this adjustment
110012Insufficient available balance.
110013Cannot set leverage due to risk limit level.
110014Insufficient available balance to add additional margin.
110015The position is in cross margin mode.
110016The quantity of contracts requested exceeds the risk limit, please adjust your risk limit level before trying again
110017Reduce-only rule not satisfied
110018User ID is illegal.
110019Order ID is illegal.
110020Not allowed to have more than 500 active orders.
110021Not allowed to exceeded position limits due to Open Interest.
110022Quantity has been restricted and orders cannot be modified to increase the quantity.
110023Currently you can only reduce your position on this contract. please check our announcement or contact customer service for details.
110024You have an existing position, so the position mode cannot be switched.
110025Position mode has not been modified.
110026Cross/isolated margin mode has not been modified.
110027Margin has not been modified.
110028You have existing open orders, so the position mode cannot be switched.
110029Hedge mode is not supported for this symbol.
110030Duplicate orderId
110031Non-existing risk limit info, please check the risk limit rules.
110032Order is illegal
110033You can't set margin without an open position
110034There is no net position
110035Cancellation of orders was not completed before liquidation
110036You are not allowed to change leverage due to cross margin mode.
110037User setting list does not have this symbol
110038You are not allowed to change leverage due to portfolio margin mode.
110039Maintenance margin rate is too high. This may trigger liquidation.
110040The order will trigger a forced liquidation, please re-submit the order.
110041Skip liquidation is not allowed when a position or maker order exists
110042Currently,due to pre-delivery status, you can only reduce your position on this contract.
110043Set leverage has not been modified.
110044Available margin is insufficient.
110045Wallet balance is insufficient.
110046Liquidation will be triggered immediately by this adjustment.
110047Risk limit cannot be adjusted due to insufficient available margin.
110048Risk limit cannot be adjusted as the current/expected position value exceeds the revised risk limit.
110049Tick notes can only be numbers
110050Invalid coin
110051The user's available balance cannot cover the lowest price of the current market
110052Your available balance is insufficient to set the price
110053The user's available balance cannot cover the current market price and upper limit price
110054This position has at least one take profit link order, so the take profit and stop loss mode cannot be switched
110055This position has at least one stop loss link order, so the take profit and stop loss mode cannot be switched
110056This position has at least one trailing stop link order, so the take profit and stop loss mode cannot be switched
110057Conditional order or limit order contains TP/SL related params
110058You can't set take profit and stop loss due to insufficient size of remaining position size.
110059Not allowed to modify the TP/SL of a partially filled open order
110060Under full TP/SL mode, it is not allowed to modify TP/SL
110061Not allowed to have more than 20 TP/SLs under Partial tpSlMode
110062There is no MMP information of the institution found.
110063Settlement in progress! {{key0}} not available for trading.
110064The modified contract quantity cannot be less than or equal to the filled quantity.
110065MMP hasn't yet been enabled for your account. Please contact your BD manager.
110066Trading is currently not allowed.
110067Unified account is not supported.
110068Leveraged trading is not allowed.
110069Ins lending customer is not allowed to trade.
110070ETP symbols cannot be traded.
110071Sorry, we're revamping the Unified Margin Account! Currently, new upgrades are not supported. If you have any questions, please contact our 24/7 customer support.
110072OrderLinkedID is duplicate
110073Set margin mode failed
110075RiskId not modified
110075 182021Cannot enable spot margin while in isolated margin mode. Please switch to cross margin mode or portfolio margin mode to trade spot with margin.
110076Only isolated mode can set auto-add-margin
110077Pm mode cannot support
110078Added margin more than max can reduce margin
110079The order is processing and can not be operated, please try again later
110080Operations Restriction: The current LTV ratio of your Institutional Lending has hit the liquidation threshold. Assets in your account are being liquidated (trade/risk limit/leverage)
110082You cannot lift Reduce-Only restrictions, as no Reduce-Only restrictions are applied to your position
110083Reduce-Only restrictions must be lifted for both Long and Short positions at the same time
110085The risk limit and margin ratio for this contract has been updated, please select a supported risk limit and place your order again
110086Current order leverage exceeds the maximum available for your current Risk Limit tier. Please lower leverage before placing an order
110087Leverage for Perpetual or Futures contracts cannot exceed the maximum allowed for your Institutional loan
110088Please Upgrade to UTA to trade
110089Exceeds the maximum risk limit level
110090Order placement failed as your position may exceed the max limit. Please adjust your leverage to {{leverage}} or below to increase the max. position limit
110092expect Rising, but trigger_price[XXXXX] <= current[XXXXX]??laste
110093expect Falling, but trigger_price[XXXXX] >= current[XXXXX]??last
110094Order notional value below the lower limit
110095You cannot create, modify or cancel Pre-Market Perpetual orders during the Call Auction.
110096Pre-Market Perpetual Trading does not support Portfolio Margin mode.
110097Non-UTA users cannot access Pre-Market Perpetual Trading. To place, modify or cancel Pre-Market Perpetual orders, please upgrade your Standard Account to UTA.
110098Only Good-Till-Canceled (GTC) orders are supported during Call Auction.
110099You cannot create TP/SL orders during the Call Auction for Pre-Market Perpetuals.
110100You cannot place, modify, or cancel Pre-Market Perpetual orders when you are in Demo Trading.
110101Trading inverse contracts under Cross and Portfolio modes requires enabling the settlement asset as collateral.
110102The user does not support trading Inverse contracts - copy trading pro, Ins loan account are not supported
110103Only Post-Only orders are available at this stage
110104The LTV for ins Loan has exceeded the limit, and opening inverse contracts is prohibited
110105The LTV for ins Loan has exceeded the limit, and trading inverse contracts is prohibited
110106Restrictions on Ins Loan; inverse contracts are not on the whitelist and are not allowed for trading
110107Restrictions on ins Loan; leverage exceeding the limit for inverse contracts is not allowed.
170346Settle coin is not a collateral coin, cannot trade
181017OrderStatus must be final status
182100Compulsory closing of positions, no repayment allowed
182101Failed repayment, insufficient collateral balance
182102Failed repayment, there are no liabilities in the current currency
182103Institutional lending users are not supported
182108Switching failed, margin verification failed, please re-adjust the currency status
182110Failed to switch
182111The requested currency has a non guaranteed gold currency or does not support switching status currencies
182112Duplicate currency, please re-adjust
3100181UID can not be null
3100197Temporary banned due to the upgrade to UTA
3200316USDC Options Trading Restriction: The current LTV ratio for your Institutional Lending has reached the maximum allowable amount for USDC Options trading.
3200317USDC Options Open Position Restriction: The current LTV ratio for your Institutional Lending has reached the maximum allowable amount for opening USDC Options positions.
3100326BaseCoin is required
3200403isolated margin can not create order
3200419Unable to switch to Portfolio margin due to active pre-market Perpetual orders and positions
3200320Operations Restriction: The current LTV ratio of your Institutional Lending has hit the liquidation threshold. Assets in your account are being liquidated. (margin mode or spot leverage)
3400208You have unclosed hedge mode or isolated mode USDT perpetual positions
3400209You have USDT perpetual positions, so upgrading is prohibited for 10 minutes before and after the hour every hour
3400210The risk rate of your Derivatives account is too high
3400211Once upgraded, the estimated risk rate will be too high
3400212You have USDC perpetual positions or Options positions, so upgrading is prohibited for 10 minutes before and after the hour every hour
3400213The risk rate of your USDC Derivatives account is too high
3400052You have uncancelled USDC perpetual orders
3400053You have uncancelled Options orders
3400054You have uncancelled USDT perpetual orders
3400214Server error, please try again later
3400071The net asset is not satisfied
3401010Cannot switch to PM mode (for copy trading master trader)
3400139The total value of your positions and orders has exceeded the risk limit for a Perpetual or Futures contract
500010The sub-account specified does not belong to the parent account
500011The Uid 592334 provided is not associated with a Unified Trading Account

Spot Trade

170001Internal error.
170005Too many new orders; current limit is %s orders per %s.
170007Timeout waiting for response from backend server.
170010Purchase failed: Exceed the maximum position limit of leveraged tokens, the current available limit is %s USDT
170011"Purchase failed: Exceed the maximum position limit of innovation tokens,
170019the current available limit is ''{{.replaceKey0}}'' USDT"
170031The feature has been suspended
170032Network error. Please try again later
170033margin Insufficient account balance
170034Liability over flow in spot leverage trade!
170035Submitted to the system for processing!
170036You haven't enabled Cross Margin Trading yet. To do so, please head to the PC trading site or the Bybit app
170037Cross Margin Trading not yet supported by the selected coin
170105Parameter '%s' was empty.
170115Invalid timeInForce.
170116Invalid orderType.
170117Invalid side.
170121Invalid symbol.
170124Order amount too large.
170130Data sent for paramter '%s' is not valid.
170131Balance insufficient
170132Order price too high.
170133Order price lower than the minimum.
170134Order price decimal too long.
170135Order quantity too large.
170136Order quantity lower than the minimum.
170137Order volume decimal too long
170139Order has been filled.
170140Transaction amount lower than the minimum.
170141Duplicate clientOrderId
170142Order has been canceled
170143Cannot be found on order book
170144Order has been locked
170145This order type does not support cancellation
170146Order creation timeout
170147Order cancellation timeout
170148Market order amount decimal too long
170149Create order failed
170150Cancel order failed
170151The trading pair is not open yet
170157The trading pair is not available for api trading
170159Market Order is not supported within the first %s minutes of newly launched pairs due to risk control.
170190Cancel order has been finished
170191Can not cancel order, please try again later
170192Order price cannot be higher than %s .
170193Buy order price cannot be higher than %s.
170194Sell order price cannot be lower than %s.
170195Please note that your order may not be filled. ETP buy order price deviates from risk control
170196Please note that your order may not be filled. ETP sell order price deviates from risk control
170197Your order quantity to buy is too large. The filled price may deviate significantly from the market price. Please try again
170198Your order quantity to sell is too large. The filled price may deviate significantly from the market price. Please try again
170199Your order quantity to buy is too large. The filled price may deviate significantly from the nav. Please try again.
170200Your order quantity to sell is too large. The filled price may deviate significantly from the nav. Please try again.
170201Invalid orderFilter parameter
170202Please enter the TP/SL price.
170203trigger price cannot be higher than 110% price.
170204trigger price cannot be lower than 90% of qty.
170206Stop_limit Order is not supported within the first 5 minutes of newly launched pairs
170207The loan amount of the platform is not enough.
170210New order rejected.
170212Cancel order request processing
170213Order does not exist.
170215Spot Trading (Buy) Restriction: The current LTV ratio of your institutional lending has reached the maximum allowable amount for buy orders
170216The leverage you select for Spot Trading cannot exceed the maximum leverage allowed by Institutional Lending
170217Only LIMIT-MAKER order is supported for the current pair.
170218The LIMIT-MAKER order is rejected due to invalid price.
170219UID {{xxx}} is not available to this feature
170220Spot Trading Restriction: The current LTV ratio of your institutional lending has reached the maximum allowable amount for Spot trading
170221This coin does not exist.
170222Too many requests in this time frame.
170223Your Spot Account with Institutional Lending triggers an alert or liquidation.
170224You're not a user of the Innovation Zone.
170226Your Spot Account for Margin Trading is being liquidated.
170227This feature is not supported.
170228The purchase amount of each order exceeds the estimated maximum purchase amount.
170229The sell quantity per order exceeds the estimated maximum sell quantity.
170230Operations Restriction: Due to the deactivation of Margin Trading for institutional loan
170234System Error
170241To proceed with trading, users must read through and confirm that they fully understand the project's risk disclosure document. For App users, please update your Bybit App to version 4.16.0 to process.
170310Order modification timeout
170311Order modification failed
170312The current order does not support modification
170313The modified contract quantity cannot be less than to the filled quantity
170341Request order quantity exceeds maximum limit
170344Symbol is not supported on Margin Trading
170355RPI orders are restricted to approved market makers only
170709OTC loan: The select trading pair is not in the whitelist pair
170810Cannot exceed maximum of 500 conditional, TP/SL and active orders.

Spot Leverage Token

175000The serialNum is already in use.
175001Daily purchase limit has been exceeded. Please try again later.
175002There's a large number of purchase orders. Please try again later.
175003Insufficient available balance. Please make a deposit and try again.
175004Daily redemption limit has been exceeded. Please try again later.
175005There's a large number of redemption orders. Please try again later.
175006Insufficient available balance. Please make a deposit and try again.
175007Order not found.
175008Purchase period hasn't started yet.
175009Purchase amount has exceeded the upper limit.
175010You haven't passed the quiz yet! To purchase and/or redeem an LT, please complete the quiz first.
175012Redemption period hasn't started yet.
175013Redemption amount has exceeded the upper limit.
175014Purchase of the LT has been temporarily suspended.
175015Redemption of the LT has been temporarily suspended.
175016Invalid format. Please check the length and numeric precision.
175017Failed to place order:Exceed the maximum position limit of leveraged tokens, the current available limit is XXXX USDT
175027Subscriptions and redemptions are temporarily unavailable while account upgrade is in progress

Spot Margin Trade

176002Query user account info error. Confirm that if you have completed quiz in GUI
176003Query user loan history error
176004Query order history start time exceeds end time
176005Failed to borrow
176006Repayment Failed
176007User not found
176008You haven't enabled Cross Margin Trading yet. To do so, please head to the PC trading site
176009You haven't enabled Cross Margin Trading yet. Confirm that if you have turned on margin trade
176010Failed to locate the coins to borrow
176011Cross Margin Trading not yet supported by the selected coin
176012Pair not available
176013Cross Margin Trading not yet supported by the selected pair
176014Repeated repayment requests
176015Insufficient available balance
176016No repayment required
176017Repayment amount has exceeded the total liability
176018Settlement in progress
176019Liquidation in progress
176020Failed to locate repayment history
176021Repeated borrowing requests
176022Coins to borrow not generally available yet
176023Pair to borrow not generally available yet
176024Invalid user status
176025Amount to borrow cannot be lower than the min. amount to borrow (per transaction)
176026Amount to borrow cannot be larger than the max. amount to borrow (per transaction)
176027Amount to borrow cannot be higher than the max. amount to borrow per user
176028Amount to borrow has exceeded Bybit's max. amount to borrow
176029Amount to borrow has exceeded the user's estimated max. amount to borrow
176030Query user loan info error
176031Number of decimals for borrow amount has exceeded the maximum precision
176034The leverage ratio is out of range
176035Failed to close the leverage switch during liquidation
176036Failed to adjust leverage switch during forced liquidation
176037For non-unified transaction users, the operation failed
176038The spot leverage is closed and the current operation is not allowed
176039Borrowing, current operation is not allowed
176040There is a spot leverage order, and the adjustment of the leverage switch failed!
176132Number of decimals for repay amount has exceeded the maximum precision
176133Liquidation may be triggered! Please adjust your transaction amount and try again
176134Account has been upgraded (upgrading) to UTA
176135Failed to get bond data
176136Failed to get borrow data
176137Failed to switch user status
176138You need to repay all your debts before closing your disabling cross margin account
176139Sorry, you are not eligible to enable cross margin, as you have already enabled OTC lending
176201Account exception. Check if the UID is bound to an institutional loan
182104This action could not be completed as your Unified Margin Account's IM/MM utilization rate has exceeded the threshold
182105Adjustment failed, user is upgrading
182106Adjustment failed, user forced liquidation in progress.
182107Adjustment failed, Maintenance Margin Rate too high


131001openapi svc error
131002Parameter error
131002Withdraw address chain or destination tag are not equal
131003Internal error
131004KYC needed
131066This address does not support withdrawals for the time being. Please switch to another address for withdrawing
131067Travel rule verification failed, please contact the target exchange. Travel rule for KR user
131068Travel rule information is insufficient, please provide additional details. Travel rule for KR user
131069Unable to withdraw to the receipt, please contact the target the exchange. Travel rule for KR user
131070The recipient's name is mismatched with the targeted exchange. Travel rule for KR user
131071The recipient has not undergone KYC verification. Travel rule for KR user
131072Your withdrawal currency is not supported by the target exchange. Travel rule for KR user
131073Your withdrawal address has not been included in the target exchange. Travel rule for KR user
131074Beneficiary info is required, please refer to the latest api document. Travel rule for KR user
131076internal transfer not support sub-accounts
131077receive user not exist
131078receive user deposit has been banned
131079receive user need kyc
131080User left retry times is zero
131081Do not input memo/tag,please.
131082Do not repeat the request
131083Withdraw only allowed from address book
131084Withdraw failed because of Uta Upgrading
131085Withdrawal amount is greater than your availale balance (the deplayed withdrawal is triggered)
131086Withdrawal amount exceeds risk limit (the risk limit of margin trade is triggered)
131087your current account spot risk level is too high, withdrawal is prohibited, please adjust and try again
131088The withdrawal amount exceeds the remaining withdrawal limit of your identity verification level. The current available amount for withdrawal : %s
131089User sensitive operation, withdrawal is prohibited within 24 hours
131090User withdraw has been banned
131091Blocked login status does not allow withdrawals
131092User status is abnormal
131093The withdrawal address is not in the whitelist
131094UserId is not in the whitelist
131095Withdrawl amount exceeds the 24 hour platform limit
131096Withdraw amount does not satify the lower limit or upper limit
131097Withdrawal of this currency has been closed
131098Withdrawal currently is not availble from new address
131099Hot wallet status can cancel the withdraw
131200Service error
131201Internal error
131202Invalid memberId
131203Request parameter error
131204Account info error
131205Query transfer error
131206cannot be transfer
131207Account not exist
131208Forbid transfer
131209Get subMember relation error
131210Amount accuracy error
131211fromAccountType can't be the same as toAccountType
131212Insufficient balance
131213TransferLTV check error
131214TransferId exist
131215Amount error
131216Query balance error
131217Risk check error
131227Sub-account do not have universal transfer permission
131228your balance is not enough. Please check transfer safe amount
131229Due to compliance requirements, the current currency is not allowed to transfer
131230The system is busy, please try again later
131231Transfers into this account are not supported
131232Transfers out this account are not supported
131233can not transfer the coin that not supported for islamic account
140001Switching the PM spot hedging switch is not allowed in non PM mode
140002Institutional lending users do not support PM spot hedging
140003You have position(s) being liquidated, please try again later.
140004Operations Restriction: The current LTV ratio of your Institutional Loan has hit the liquidation threshold. Assets in your account are being liquidated.
140005Risk level after switching modes exceeds threshold
141004sub member is not normal
141025This sub-account has assets and cannot be deleted
181000category is null
181001category only support linear or option or spot.
181002symbol is null.
181003side is null.
181004side only support Buy or Sell.
181005orderStatus is wrong
181006startTime is not number
181007endTime is not number
181008Parameter startTime and endTime are both needed
181009Parameter startTime needs to be smaller than endTime
181010The time range between startTime and endTime cannot exceed 7 days
181011limit is not a number
181012symbol not exist
181013Only support settleCoin: usdc
181014Classic account is not supported
181018Invalid expDate.
181019Parameter expDate can't be earlier than 2 years
182000symbol related quote price is null
182200Please upgrade UTA first.
182201You must enter 2 time parameters.
182202The start time must be less than the end time
182203Please enter valid characters
182204Coin does not exist
182205User level does not exist
700000accountType/quoteTxId cannot be null
700001quote fail:no dealer can used
700004order does not exist
700007Large Amount Limit
700012UTA upgrading, don't allow to apply for quote

Crypto Loan

177002Server is busy, please wait and try again
177003Illegal characters found in a parameter
177004Precision is over the maximum defined for this asset
177005Order does not exist
177006We don't have this asset
177007Your borrow amount has exceed maximum borrow amount
177008Borrow is banned for this asset
177009Borrow amount is less than minimum borrow amount
177010Repay amount exceeds borrow amount
177011Balance is not enough
177012The system doesn't have enough asset now
177013adjustment amount exceeds minimum collateral amount
177014Individual loan quota reached
177015Collateral amount has reached the limit. Please reduce your collateral amount or try with other collaterals
177016Minimum collateral amount is not enough
177017This coin cannot be used as collateral
177018duplicate request
177019Your input param is invalid
177020The account does not support the asset
177021Repayment failed

Institutional Loan

3777002UID cannot be bound repeatedly.
3777003UID cannot be unbound because the UID has not been bound to a risk unit.
3777004The main UID of the risk unit cannot be unbound.
3777005You have unsettled lending or borrowing orders. Please try again later.
3777006UID cannot be bound, please try again with a different UID."
3777007UID cannot be bound, please upgrade to UTA Pro."
3777012Your request is currently being processed. Please wait and try again later
3777027UID cannot be bound, leveraged trading closure failed.
3777029You currently have orders for pre-market trading that can’t be bind UIDs
3777030This account has activated copyPro and cannot bind uid

Exchange Broker

3500402Parameter verification failed for 'limit'.
3500403Only available to exchange broker main-account
3500404Invalid Cursor
3500405Parameter "startTime" and "endTime" need to be input in pairs.
3500406Out of query time range.
3500407Parameter begin and end need to be input in pairs.


400001invalid parameter
400101The voucher was recycled
400102The voucher has exceeded the redemption date (expired)
400103The voucher is not available for redemption
400105Budget exceeded
403001Account rejected, check if the input accountId valid, account banned, or kyc issue
404001resource not found
404011Insufficient inventory
409011VIP level limit
500001Internal server error


180001Invalid parameter
180002Invalid coin
180003User banned
180004Site not allowed. Only users from Bybit global site can access
180005Compliance wallet not reach
180006Validation failed
180007Product not available
180008Invalid Product
180009product is forbidden
180010User not allowed
180011User not VIP
180012Purchase share is invalid
180013Stake over maximum share
180014Redeem share invlaid
180015Products share not enough
180016Balance not enough
180017Invalid risk user
180018internal error
180019empty order link id