Get Affiliate User List
To use this endpoint, you should have an affiliate account and only tick "affiliate" permission while creating the API key.
Affiliate site:
- Use master UID only
- The api key can only have "Affiliate" permission
HTTP Request
GET /v5/affiliate/aff-user-list
Request Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Comments |
size | false | integer | Limit for data size per page. [0 , 1000 ]. Default: 0 |
cursor | false | string | Cursor. Use the nextPageCursor token from the response to retrieve the next page of the result set |
needDeposit | false | boolean | true : return deposit info; false (default): does not return deposit info |
need30 | false | boolean | true : return 30 days trading info; false (default): does not return 30 days trading info |
need365 | false | boolean | true : return 365 days trading info; false (default): does not return 365 days trading info |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Comments |
list | array | Object |
> userId | string | user Id |
> registerTime | string | user register time |
> source | integer | user registration source, from which referrer code |
> remarks | integer | The remark |
> isKyc | boolean | Whether KYC is completed |
> takerVol30Day | string | Taker volume in last 30 days (USDT), update at T + 1. All volume related attributes below includes Derivatives, Option, Spot volume |
> makerVol30Day | string | Maker volume in last 30 days (USDT), update at T + 1 |
> tradeVol30Day | string | Total trading volume in last 30 days (USDT), update at T + 1 |
> depositAmount30Day | string | Deposit amount in last 30 days (USDT), update in 5 mins |
> takerVol365Day | string | Taker volume in the past year (USDT), update at T + 1 |
> makerVol365Day | string | Maker volume in the past year (USDT), update at T + 1 |
> tradeVol365Day | string | Total trading volume in the past year (USDT), update at T + 1 |
> depositAmount365Day | string | Total deposit amount in the past year (USDT), update in 5 mins |
nextPageCursor | string | Refer to the cursor request parameter |
Request Example
- Python
- Node.js
GET /v5/affiliate/aff-user-list?cursor=""&size=2 HTTP/1.1
X-BAPI-API-KEY: uQ61dcX0lSe7ygD2EA
X-BAPI-TIMESTAMP: 1685596324209
X-BAPI-SIGN: xxxxxx
Content-Type: application/json
const { RestClientV5 } = require('bybit-api');
const client = new RestClientV5({
testnet: true,
key: 'apikey',
secret: 'apisecret',
.getAffiliateUserInfo({ size: 2 })
.then((response) => {
.catch((error) => {
Response Example
"retCode": 0,
"retMsg": "",
"result": {
"list": [
"userId": "101527036",
"registerTime": "2024-06-21",
"source": "1564",
"remarks": "test",
"isKyc": false,
"takerVol30Day": "10",
"makerVol30Day": "20",
"tradeVol30Day": "30",
"depositAmount30Day": "90",
"takerVol365Day": "100",
"makerVol365Day": "500",
"tradeVol365Day": "600",
"depositAmount365Day": "1300",
"userId": "103929118",
"registerTime": "2024-11-12",
"source": "1564",
"remarks": "",
"isKyc": false,
"takerVol30Day": "10",
"makerVol30Day": "20",
"tradeVol30Day": "30",
"depositAmount30Day": "90",
"takerVol365Day": "100",
"makerVol365Day": "500",
"tradeVol365Day": "600",
"depositAmount365Day": "1300",
"nextPageCursor": "16197"
"retExtInfo": {},
"time": 1733205472513