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Enums Definitions


  • de-DE
  • en-US
  • es-AR
  • es-ES
  • es-MX
  • fr-FR
  • kk-KZ
  • id-ID
  • uk-UA
  • ja-JP
  • ru-RU
  • th-TH
  • pt-BR
  • tr-TR
  • vi-VN
  • zh-TW
  • ar-SA
  • hi-IN
  • fil-PH


  • new_crypto
  • latest_bybit_news
  • delistings
  • latest_activities
  • product_updates
  • maintenance_updates
  • new_fiat_listings
  • other


  • Spot
  • Derivatives
  • Spot Listings
  • BTC
  • ETH
  • Trading Bots
  • USDC
  • Leveraged Tokens
  • USDT
  • Margin Trading
  • Partnerships
  • Launchpad
  • Upgrades
  • ByVotes
  • Delistings
  • VIP
  • Futures
  • Institutions
  • Options
  • WEB3
  • Copy Trading
  • Earn
  • Bybit Savings
  • Dual Asset
  • Liquidity Mining
  • Shark Fin
  • Launchpool
  • NFT GrabPic
  • Buy Crypto
  • P2P Trading
  • Fiat Deposit
  • Crypto Deposit
  • Спот
  • Спот лістинги
  • Торгові боти
  • Токени з кредитним плечем
  • Маржинальна торгівля
  • Партнерство
  • Оновлення
  • Делістинги
  • Ф'ючерси
  • Опціони
  • Копітрейдинг
  • Bybit Накопичення
  • Бівалютні інвестиції
  • Майнінг ліквідності
  • Купівля криптовалюти
  • P2P торгівля
  • Фіатні депозити
  • Криптодепозити
  • Копитрейдинг
  • Торговые боты
  • Деривативы
  • P2P
  • Спот листинги
  • Деривативи
  • MT4
  • Lucky Draw
  • Unified Trading Account
  • Єдиний торговий акаунт
  • Единый торговый аккаунт
  • Институциональный трейдинг
  • Інституціональний трейдинг
  • Делистинг


Unified Account

  • spot
  • linearUSDT perpetual, and USDC contract, including USDC perp, USDC futures
  • inverseInverse contract, including Inverse perp, Inverse futures
  • option

Classic Account

  • linearUSDT perp
  • inverseInverse contract, including Inverse perp, Inverse futures
  • spot


open status

  • Neworder has been placed successfully
  • PartiallyFilled
  • UntriggeredConditional orders are created

closed status

  • Rejected
  • PartiallyFilledCanceledOnly spot has this order status
  • Filled
  • CancelledIn derivatives, orders with this status may have an executed qty
  • Triggeredinstantaneous state for conditional orders from Untriggered to New
  • DeactivatedUTA: Spot tp/sl order, conditional order, OCO order are cancelled before they are triggered


  • GTCGoodTillCancel
  • IOCImmediateOrCancel
  • FOKFillOrKill
  • PostOnly


  • CreateByUser
  • CreateByAdminClosing
  • CreateBySettleUSDC Futures delivery; Position closed by contract delisted
  • CreateByStopOrderFutures conditional order
  • CreateByTakeProfitFutures take profit order
  • CreateByPartialTakeProfitFutures partial take profit order
  • CreateByStopLossFutures stop loss order
  • CreateByPartialStopLossFutures partial stop loss order
  • CreateByTrailingStopFutures trailing stop order
  • CreateByLiqLaddered liquidation to reduce the required maintenance margin
  • CreateByTakeOver_PassThroughIf the position is still subject to liquidation (i.e., does not meet the required maintenance margin level), the position shall be taken over by the liquidation engine and closed at the bankruptcy price.
  • CreateByAdl_PassThroughAuto-Deleveraging(ADL)
  • CreateByBlock_PassThroughOrder placed via Paradigm
  • CreateByBlockTradeMovePosition_PassThroughOrder created by move position
  • CreateByClosingThe close order placed via web or app position area - web/app
  • CreateByFGridBotOrder created via grid bot - web/app
  • CloseByFGridBotOrder closed via grid bot - web/app
  • CreateByTWAPOrder created by TWAP - web/app
  • CreateByTVSignalOrder created by TV webhook - web/app
  • CreateByMmRateCloseOrder created by Mm rate close function - web/app
  • CreateByMartingaleBotOrder created by Martingale bot - web/app
  • CloseByMartingaleBotOrder closed by Martingale bot - web/app
  • CreateByIceBergOrder created by Ice berg strategy - web/app
  • CreateByArbitrageOrder created by arbitrage - web/app
  • CreateByDdhOption dynamic delta hedge order - web/app


  • Trade
  • AdlTradeAuto-Deleveraging
  • FundingFunding fee
  • BustTradeTakeover liquidation
  • DeliveryUSDC futures delivery; Position closed by contract delisted
  • SettleInverse futures settlement; Position closed due to delisting
  • BlockTrade
  • MovePosition
  • UNKNOWNMay be returned by a classic account. Cannot query by this type


  • Market
  • Limit
  • UNKNOWNis not a valid request parameter value. Is only used in some responses. Mainly, it is used when execType is Funding.


  • TakeProfit
  • StopLoss
  • TrailingStop
  • Stop
  • PartialTakeProfit
  • PartialStopLoss
  • tpslOrderspot TP/SL order
  • OcoOrderspot Oco order
  • MmRateCloseOn web or app can set MMR to close position
  • BidirectionalTpslOrderSpot bidirectional tpsl order


  • PlusTickprice rise
  • ZeroPlusTicktrade occurs at the same price as the previous trade, which occurred at a price higher than that for the trade preceding it
  • MinusTickprice drop
  • ZeroMinusTicktrade occurs at the same price as the previous trade, which occurred at a price lower than that for the trade preceding it


  • 1 3 5 15 30 60 120 240 360 720minute
  • Dday
  • Wweek
  • Mmonth


  • 5min 15min 30minminute
  • 1h 4hhour
  • 1dday


  • 0one-way mode position
  • 1Buy side of hedge-mode position
  • 2Sell side of hedge-mode position


  • Normal
  • Liqin the liquidation progress
  • Adlin the auto-deleverage progress


  • EC_NoError
  • EC_Others
  • EC_UnknownMessageType
  • EC_MissingClOrdID
  • EC_MissingOrigClOrdID
  • EC_ClOrdIDOrigClOrdIDAreTheSame
  • EC_DuplicatedClOrdID
  • EC_OrigClOrdIDDoesNotExist
  • EC_TooLateToCancel
  • EC_UnknownOrderType
  • EC_UnknownSide
  • EC_UnknownTimeInForce
  • EC_WronglyRouted
  • EC_MarketOrderPriceIsNotZero
  • EC_LimitOrderInvalidPrice
  • EC_NoEnoughQtyToFill
  • EC_NoImmediateQtyToFill
  • EC_PerCancelRequest
  • EC_MarketOrderCannotBePostOnly
  • EC_PostOnlyWillTakeLiquidity
  • EC_CancelReplaceOrder
  • EC_InvalidSymbolStatus
  • EC_CancelForNoFullFill
  • EC_BySelfMatch
  • EC_InCallAuctionStatusused for pre-market order operation, e.g., during 2nd phase of call auction, cancel order is not allowed, when the cancel request is failed to be rejected by trading server, the request will be rejected by matching box finally


Check the value of unifiedMarginStatus to see if you're on the Unified Trading Account or the classic account.

Unified Trading Account (UTA)

  • CONTRACTInverse Derivatives Account (no UDST in this wallet))
  • UNIFIEDUnified Trading Account
  • FUNDFunding Account

Classic account

Also known as the "standard account".

  • SPOTSpot Account
  • CONTRACTDerivatives Account (contain USDT in this wallet)
  • OPTIONUSDC Derivatives (this service is now offline)
  • FUNDFunding Account
  • INVESTMENTByFi Account (this service is now offline)




  • 0unknown
  • 1toBeConfirmed
  • 2processing
  • 3success (finalised status of a success deposit)
  • 4deposit failed
  • 10011pending to be credited to funding pool
  • 10012Credited to funding pool successfully


  • SecurityCheck
  • Pending
  • success
  • CancelByUser
  • Reject
  • Fail
  • BlockchainConfirmed
  • MoreInformationRequired
  • Unknowna rare status


  • LastPrice
  • IndexPrice
  • MarkPrice


  • CancelByUser
  • CancelByReduceOnlycancelled by reduceOnly
  • CancelByPrepareLiq CancelAllBeforeLiqcancelled in order to attempt liquidation prevention by freeing up margin
  • CancelByPrepareAdl CancelAllBeforeAdlcancelled due to ADL
  • CancelByAdmin
  • CancelBySettlecancelled due to delisting contract
  • CancelByTpSlTsClearTP/SL order cancelled when the position is cleared
  • CancelBySmpcancelled by SMP


  • CancelByUser
  • CancelByReduceOnly
  • CancelAllBeforeLiqcancelled due to liquidation
  • CancelAllBeforeAdlcancelled due to ADL
  • CancelBySettle
  • CancelByCannotAffordOrderCost
  • CancelByPmTrialMmOverEquity
  • CancelByAccountBlocking
  • CancelByDelivery
  • CancelByMmpTriggered
  • CancelByCrossSelfMuch
  • CancelByCrossReachMaxTradeNum
  • CancelByDCP
  • CancelBySmp


  • BTC: 7,14,21,30,60,90,180,270days
  • ETH: 7,14,21,30,60,90,180,270days
  • SOL: 7,14,21,30,60,90days


  • 5min 15min 30minminute
  • 1h 4hhour
  • 4dday


  • InversePerpetual
  • LinearPerpetual
  • LinearFuturesUSDC Futures
  • InverseFutures


  • PreLaunch
  • Trading
  • Delivering
  • Closed


  • NotStartedPre-market trading is not started
  • FinishedPre-market trading is finished
    • After the auction, if the pre-market contract fails to enter continues trading phase, it will be delisted and phase="Finished"
    • After the continuous trading, if the pre-market contract fails to be converted to official contract, it will be delisted and phase="Finished"
  • CallAuctionAuction phase of pre-market trading
    • only timeInForce=GTC, orderType=Limit order is allowed to submit
    • TP/SL are not supported; Conditional orders are not supported
    • cannot modify the order at this stage
    • order price range: [preOpenPrice x 0.5, maxPrice]
  • CallAuctionNoCancelAuction no cancel phase of pre-market trading
    • only timeInForce=GTC, orderType=Limit order is allowed to submit
    • TP/SL are not supported; Conditional orders are not supported
    • cannot modify and cancel the order at this stage
    • order price range: Buy [lastPrice x 0.5, markPrice x 1.1], Sell [markPrice x 0.9, maxPrice]
  • CrossMatchingcross matching phase
    • cannot create, modify and cancel the order at this stage
    • Candle data is released from this stage
  • ContinuousTradingContinuous trading phase
    • There is no restriction to create, amend, cancel orders
    • orderbook, public trade data is released from this stage


  • noneRegardless of normal account or UTA account, this trading pair does not support margin trading
  • bothFor both normal account and UTA account, this trading pair supports margin trading
  • utaOnlyOnly for UTA account,this trading pair supports margin trading
  • normalSpotOnlyOnly for normal account, this trading pair supports margin trading


  • noneRegardless of normal account or UTA account, this trading pair does not support copy trading
  • bothFor both normal account and UTA account, this trading pair supports copy trading
  • utaOnlyOnly for UTA account,this trading pair supports copy trading
  • normalOnlyOnly for normal account, this trading pair supports copy trading


  • TRANSFER_INAssets that transferred into Unified wallet
  • TRANSFER_OUTAssets that transferred out from Unified wallet
  • SETTLEMENTUSDT Perp funding settlement, and USDC Perp funding settlement + USDC 8-hour session settlement
  • DELIVERYUSDC Futures, Option delivery
  • ADLAuto-Deleveraging
  • BONUSBonus claimed
  • BONUS_RECOLLECTBonus expired
  • FEE_REFUNDTrading fee refunded
  • INTERESTInterest occurred due to borrowing
  • CURRENCY_BUYCurrency convert, and the liquidation for borrowing asset
  • CURRENCY_SELLCurrency convert, and the liquidation for borrowing asset
  • TRANSFER_IN_INS_LOANTransfer In when in the liquidation of OTC loan
  • TRANSFER_OUT_INS_LOANTransfer Out when in the liquidation of OTC loan
  • SPOT_REPAYMENT_SELLOne-click repayment currency sell
  • SPOT_REPAYMENT_BUYOne-click repayment currency buy
  • TOKENS_SUBSCRIPTIONSpot leverage token subscription
  • TOKENS_REDEMPTIONSpot leverage token redemption
  • AUTO_DEDUCTIONAsset auto deducted by system (roll back)
  • FLEXIBLE_STAKING_SUBSCRIPTIONByfi flexible stake subscription
  • FLEXIBLE_STAKING_REDEMPTIONByfi flexible stake redemption
  • FIXED_STAKING_SUBSCRIPTIONByfi fixed stake subscription
  • CUSTODY_NETWORK_FEEfireblocks business
  • CUSTODY_SETTLE_FEEfireblocks business
  • CUSTODY_LOCKfireblocks / copper business
  • CUSTODY_UNLOCKfireblocks business
  • CUSTODY_UNLOCK_REFUNDfireblocks business
  • LOANS_BORROW_FUNDScrypto loan
  • LOANS_PLEDGE_ASSETcrypto loan repayment


  • TRANSFER_INAssets that transferred into (inverse) derivatives wallet
  • TRANSFER_OUTAssets that transferred out from (inverse) derivatives wallet
  • SETTLEMENTUSDT / Inverse Perp funding settlement
  • DELIVERYInverse Futures delivery
  • ADLAuto-Deleveraging
  • BONUSBonus claimed
  • BONUS_RECOLLECTBonus expired
  • FEE_REFUNDTrading fee refunded
  • CURRENCY_BUYCurrency convert
  • CURRENCY_SELLCurrency convert
  • AUTO_DEDUCTIONAsset auto deducted by system (roll back)
  • Others


  • 1Regular account
  • 2Please ignore
  • 3Unified trade account, it can trade linear perpetual, options and spot
  • 4UTA Pro, the pro version of Unified trade account


  • 1LT can be purchased and redeemed
  • 2LT can be purchased, but not redeemed
  • 3LT can be redeemed, but not purchased
  • 4LT cannot be purchased nor redeemed
  • 5Adjusting position


Check the value of unifiedMarginStatus to see if you're on the Unified Trading Account or the classic account.

Unified Trading Account (UTA)

  • eb_convert_inverseInverse Derivatives Account (no USDT in this wallet))
  • eb_convert_utaUnified Trading Account
  • eb_convert_fundingFunding Account

Classic account

Also known as the "standard account"

  • eb_convert_spotSpot Account
  • eb_convert_contractDerivatives Account (contain USDT in this wallet)
  • eb_convert_fundingFunding Account


USDT Perpetual:


USDC Perpetual:


USDC Futures:

  • BTC-24MAR23

Inverse Perpetual:


Inverse Futures:

  • BTCUSDH23H: First quarter; 23: 2023
  • BTCUSDM23M: Second quarter; 23: 2023
  • BTCUSDU23U: Third quarter; 23: 2023
  • BTCUSDZ23Z: Fourth quarter; 23: 2023




  • No VIP
  • VIP-1
  • VIP-2
  • VIP-3
  • VIP-4
  • VIP-5
  • VIP-Supreme
  • PRO-1
  • PRO-2
  • PRO-3
  • PRO-4
  • PRO-5


  • 0default value of empty position
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5


  • default: None
  • CancelMaker
  • CancelTaker
  • CancelBoth

Spot Fee Currency Instruction

with the example of BTCUSDT:

  • Is makerFeeRate positive?
    - TRUE
    - Side = Buy -> base currency (BTC)
    - Side = Sell -> quote currency (USDT)
    - FALSE
    - IsMakerOrder = TRUE
    - Side = Buy -> quote currency (USDT)
    - Side = Sell -> base currency (BTC)
    - IsMakerOrder = FALSE
    - Side = Buy -> base currency (BTC)
    - Side = Sell -> quote currency (USDT)
    e currency (USDT) T) e currency (USDT)