Get Order History
Query order history. As order creation/cancellation is asynchronous, the data returned from this endpoint may delay. If you want to get real-time order information, you could query this endpoint or rely on the websocket stream (recommended).
- The orders in the last 7 days:
UTA2.0, UTA1.0(except inverse) support querying all closed status except "Cancelled", "Rejected", "Deactivated" status.
UTA1.0(inverse) and classic account support querying all status (open and close status) - The orders in the last 24 hours:
UTA2.0, UTA1.0(except inverse) for the orders with "Cancelled" (fully cancelled order), "Rejected", "Deactivated" can be query - The orders beyond 7 days:
All account supports querying orders which have fills only, i.e., fully filled, partial filled but cancelled orders - UTA2.0, UTA1.0(except inverse) support querying the past 2 years data.
- Classic Spot can get closed order status only, and Cancelled, Rejected, Deactivated orders save up to 7 days
HTTP Request
GET /v5/order/history
Request Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Comments |
category | true | string | Product type |
symbol | false | string | Symbol name, like BTCUSDT , uppercase only |
baseCoin | false | string | Base coin, uppercase only |
settleCoin | false | string | Settle coin, uppercase only |
orderId | false | string | Order ID |
orderLinkId | false | string | User customised order ID |
orderFilter | false | string | Order : active orderStopOrder : conditional order for Futures and SpottpslOrder : spot TP/SL orderOcoOrder : spot OCO ordersBidirectionalTpslOrder : Spot bidirectional TPSL order
orderStatus | false | string | |
startTime | false | integer | The start timestamp (ms)
endTime | false | integer | The end timestamp (ms) |
limit | false | integer | Limit for data size per page. [1 , 50 ]. Default: 20 |
cursor | false | string | Cursor. Use the nextPageCursor token from the response to retrieve the next page of the result set |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Comments |
category | string | Product type |
list | array | Object |
> orderId | string | Order ID |
> orderLinkId | string | User customised order ID |
> blockTradeId | string | Block trade ID |
> symbol | string | Symbol name |
> price | string | Order price |
> qty | string | Order qty |
> side | string | Side. Buy ,Sell |
> isLeverage | string | Whether to borrow. Unified spot only. 0 : false, 1 : true. . Classic spot is not supported, always 0 |
> positionIdx | integer | Position index. Used to identify positions in different position modes |
> orderStatus | string | Order status |
> createType | string | Order create type |
> cancelType | string | Cancel type |
> rejectReason | string | Reject reason. Classic spot is not supported |
> avgPrice | string | Average filled price "" for those orders without avg price"0" for those orders without avg price, and also for those orders have partilly filled but cancelled at the end |
> leavesQty | string | The remaining qty not executed. Classic spot is not supported |
> leavesValue | string | The estimated value not executed. Classic spot is not supported |
> cumExecQty | string | Cumulative executed order qty |
> cumExecValue | string | Cumulative executed order value. Classic spot is not supported |
> cumExecFee | string | Cumulative executed trading fee. Classic spot is not supported |
> timeInForce | string | Time in force |
> orderType | string | Order type. Market ,Limit . For TP/SL order, it means the order type after triggered Block trade Roll Back , Block trade-Limit : Unique enum values for Unified account block trades |
> stopOrderType | string | Stop order type |
> orderIv | string | Implied volatility |
> marketUnit | string | The unit for qty when create Spot market orders for UTA account. baseCoin , quoteCoin |
> slippageToleranceType | string | Spot and Futures market order slippage tolerance type TickSize , Percent , UNKNOWN (default) |
> slippageTolerance | string | Slippage tolerance value |
> triggerPrice | string | Trigger price. If stopOrderType =TrailingStop, it is activate price. Otherwise, it is trigger price |
> takeProfit | string | Take profit price |
> stopLoss | string | Stop loss price |
> tpslMode | string | TP/SL mode, Full : entire position for TP/SL. Partial : partial position tp/sl. Spot does not have this field, and Option returns always "" |
> ocoTriggerBy | string | The trigger type of Spot OCO order.OcoTriggerByUnknown , OcoTriggerByTp , OcoTriggerBySl . Classic spot is not supported |
> tpLimitPrice | string | The limit order price when take profit price is triggered |
> slLimitPrice | string | The limit order price when stop loss price is triggered |
> tpTriggerBy | string | The price type to trigger take profit |
> slTriggerBy | string | The price type to trigger stop loss |
> triggerDirection | integer | Trigger direction. 1 : rise, 2 : fall |
> triggerBy | string | The price type of trigger price |
> lastPriceOnCreated | string | Last price when place the order, Spot is not applicable |
> basePrice | string | Last price when place the order, Spot has this field only |
> reduceOnly | boolean | Reduce only. true means reduce position size |
> closeOnTrigger | boolean | Close on trigger. What is a close on trigger order? |
> placeType | string | Place type, option used. iv , price |
> smpType | string | SMP execution type |
> smpGroup | integer | Smp group ID. If the UID has no group, it is 0 by default |
> smpOrderId | string | The counterparty's orderID which triggers this SMP execution |
> createdTime | string | Order created timestamp (ms) |
> updatedTime | string | Order updated timestamp (ms) |
nextPageCursor | string | Refer to the cursor request parameter |
Request Example
- Python
- Java
- Node.js
GET /v5/order/history?category=linear&limit=1 HTTP/1.1
X-BAPI-TIMESTAMP: 1672221263407
from pybit.unified_trading import HTTP
session = HTTP(
import com.bybit.api.client.config.BybitApiConfig;
import com.bybit.api.client.domain.*;
import com.bybit.api.client.service.BybitApiClientFactory;
var client = BybitApiClientFactory.newInstance("YOUR_API_KEY", "YOUR_API_SECRET", BybitApiConfig.TESTNET_DOMAIN).newTradeRestClient();
var orderHistory = TradeOrderRequest.builder().category(CategoryType.LINEAR).limit(10).build();
const { RestClientV5 } = require('bybit-api');
const client = new RestClientV5({
testnet: true,
key: 'apikey',
secret: 'apisecret',
category: 'linear',
limit: 1,
.then((response) => {
.catch((error) => {
Response Example
"retCode": 0,
"retMsg": "OK",
"result": {
"list": [
"orderId": "14bad3a1-6454-43d8-bcf2-5345896cf74d",
"orderLinkId": "YLxaWKMiHU",
"blockTradeId": "",
"symbol": "BTCUSDT",
"price": "26864.40",
"qty": "0.003",
"side": "Buy",
"isLeverage": "",
"positionIdx": 1,
"orderStatus": "Cancelled",
"cancelType": "UNKNOWN",
"rejectReason": "EC_PostOnlyWillTakeLiquidity",
"avgPrice": "0",
"leavesQty": "0.000",
"leavesValue": "0",
"cumExecQty": "0.000",
"cumExecValue": "0",
"cumExecFee": "0",
"timeInForce": "PostOnly",
"orderType": "Limit",
"stopOrderType": "UNKNOWN",
"orderIv": "",
"triggerPrice": "0.00",
"takeProfit": "0.00",
"stopLoss": "0.00",
"tpTriggerBy": "UNKNOWN",
"slTriggerBy": "UNKNOWN",
"triggerDirection": 0,
"triggerBy": "UNKNOWN",
"lastPriceOnCreated": "0.00",
"reduceOnly": false,
"closeOnTrigger": false,
"smpType": "None",
"smpGroup": 0,
"smpOrderId": "",
"tpslMode": "",
"tpLimitPrice": "",
"slLimitPrice": "",
"placeType": "",
"slippageToleranceType": "UNKNOWN",
"slippageTolerance": "",
"createdTime": "1684476068369",
"updatedTime": "1684476068372"
"nextPageCursor": "page_token%3D39380%26",
"category": "linear"
"retExtInfo": {},
"time": 1684766282976