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Subscribe to the order stream to see changes to your orders in real-time.

All-In-One Topic: order
Categorised Topic:, order.linear, order.inverse, order.option

  • All-In-One topic and Categorised topic cannot be in the same subscription request
  • All-In-One topic: Allow you to listen to all categories (spot, linear, inverse, option) websocket updates
  • Categorised Topic: Allow you to listen only to specific category websocket updates

You may receive two orderStatus=Filled messages when the cancel request is accepted but the order is executed at the same time. Generally, one message contains "orderStatus=Filled, rejectReason=EC_NoError", and another message contains "orderStatus=Filled, cancelType=CancelByUser, rejectReason=EC_OrigClOrdIDDoesNotExist". The first message tells you the order is executed, and the second message tells you the followed cancel request is rejected due to order is executed.

Response Parameters

idstringMessage ID
topicstringTopic name
creationTimenumberData created timestamp (ms)
> categorystringProduct type
  • UTA2.0, UTA1.0: spot, linear, inverse, option
  • Classic account: spot, linear, inverse.
> orderIdstringOrder ID
> orderLinkIdstringUser customised order ID
> isLeveragestringWhether to borrow. Unified spot only. 0: false, 1: true
Classic spot is not supported, always 0
> blockTradeIdstringBlock trade ID
> symbolstringSymbol name
> pricestringOrder price
> qtystringOrder qty
> sidestringSide. Buy,Sell
> positionIdxintegerPosition index. Used to identify positions in different position modes
> orderStatusstringOrder status
> createTypestringOrder create type
  • Only for category=linear or inverse
  • Spot, Option do not have this key
  • > cancelTypestringCancel type
    > rejectReasonstringReject reason. Classic spot is not supported
    > avgPricestringAverage filled price
  • returns "" for those orders without avg price, and also for those classic account orders have partilly filled but cancelled at the end
  • Classic Spot: not supported, always ""
  • > leavesQtystringThe remaining qty not executed. Classic spot is not supported
    > leavesValuestringThe remaining value not executed. Classic spot is not supported
    > cumExecQtystringCumulative executed order qty
    > cumExecValuestringCumulative executed order value
    > cumExecFeestringCumulative executed trading fee.
    • Classic spot: it is the latest execution fee for order.
    • After upgraded to the Unified account, you can use execFee for each fill in Execution topic
    > closedPnlstringClosed profit and loss for each close position order. The figure is the same as "closedPnl" from Get Closed PnL
    > feeCurrencystringTrading fee currency for Spot only. Please understand Spot trading fee currency here
    > timeInForcestringTime in force
    > orderTypestringOrder type. Market,Limit. For TP/SL order, it means the order type after triggered
    > stopOrderTypestringStop order type
    > ocoTriggerBystringThe trigger type of Spot OCO order.OcoTriggerByUnknown, OcoTriggerByTp, OcoTriggerBySl. Classic spot is not supported
    > orderIvstringImplied volatility
    > marketUnitstringThe unit for qty when create Spot market orders for UTA account. baseCoin, quoteCoin
    > slippageToleranceTypestringSpot and Futures market order slippage tolerance type TickSize, Percent, UNKNOWN(default)
    > slippageTolerancestringSlippage tolerance value
    > triggerPricestringTrigger price. If stopOrderType=TrailingStop, it is activate price. Otherwise, it is trigger price
    > takeProfitstringTake profit price
    > stopLossstringStop loss price
    > tpslModestringTP/SL mode, Full: entire position for TP/SL. Partial: partial position tp/sl. Spot does not have this field, and Option returns always ""
    > tpLimitPricestringThe limit order price when take profit price is triggered
    > slLimitPricestringThe limit order price when stop loss price is triggered
    > tpTriggerBystringThe price type to trigger take profit
    > slTriggerBystringThe price type to trigger stop loss
    > triggerDirectionintegerTrigger direction. 1: rise, 2: fall
    > triggerBystringThe price type of trigger price
    > lastPriceOnCreatedstringLast price when place the order
    > reduceOnlybooleanReduce only. true means reduce position size
    > closeOnTriggerbooleanClose on trigger. What is a close on trigger order?
    > placeTypestringPlace type, option used. iv, price
    > smpTypestringSMP execution type
    > smpGroupintegerSmp group ID. If the UID has no group, it is 0 by default
    > smpOrderIdstringThe counterparty's orderID which triggers this SMP execution
    > createdTimestringOrder created timestamp (ms)
    > updatedTimestringOrder updated timestamp (ms)

    Subscribe Example

    "op": "subscribe",
    "args": [
    from pybit.unified_trading import WebSocket
    from time import sleep
    ws = WebSocket(
    def handle_message(message):
    while True:

    Stream Example

    "id": "5923240c6880ab-c59f-420b-9adb-3639adc9dd90",
    "topic": "order",
    "creationTime": 1672364262474,
    "data": [
    "symbol": "ETH-30DEC22-1400-C",
    "orderId": "5cf98598-39a7-459e-97bf-76ca765ee020",
    "side": "Sell",
    "orderType": "Market",
    "cancelType": "UNKNOWN",
    "price": "72.5",
    "qty": "1",
    "orderIv": "",
    "timeInForce": "IOC",
    "orderStatus": "Filled",
    "orderLinkId": "",
    "lastPriceOnCreated": "",
    "reduceOnly": false,
    "leavesQty": "",
    "leavesValue": "",
    "cumExecQty": "1",
    "cumExecValue": "75",
    "avgPrice": "75",
    "blockTradeId": "",
    "positionIdx": 0,
    "cumExecFee": "0.358635",
    "closedPnl": "0",
    "createdTime": "1672364262444",
    "updatedTime": "1672364262457",
    "rejectReason": "EC_NoError",
    "stopOrderType": "",
    "tpslMode": "",
    "triggerPrice": "",
    "takeProfit": "",
    "stopLoss": "",
    "tpTriggerBy": "",
    "slTriggerBy": "",
    "tpLimitPrice": "",
    "slLimitPrice": "",
    "triggerDirection": 0,
    "triggerBy": "",
    "closeOnTrigger": false,
    "category": "option",
    "placeType": "price",
    "smpType": "None",
    "smpGroup": 0,
    "smpOrderId": "",
    "feeCurrency": ""