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Fast Execution

Fast execution stream significantly reduces data latency compared original "execution" stream. However, it pushes limited execution type of trades, and fewer data fields.

All-In-One Topic:
Categorised Topic:,,

  • Supports all Perps, Futures and Spot exceution, and do not support Options for now
  • You can only receive execType=Trade update

Response Parameters

topicstringTopic name
creationTimenumberData created timestamp (ms)
> categorystringProduct type
  • UTA2.0, UTA1.0: linear, inverse, spot
  • Classic account: linear, inverse, spot.
> symbolstringSymbol name
> orderIdstringOrder ID
> isMakerbooleantrue: Maker, false: Taker
> orderLinkIdstringUser customized order ID
  • maker trade is always ""
  • If a maker order in the orderbook is converted to taker (by price amend), orderLinkId is also ""
  • > execIdstringExecution ID
    > execPricestringExecution price
    > execQtystringExecution qty
    > sidestringSide. Buy,Sell
    > execTimestringExecuted timestamp(ms)
    > seqlongCross sequence, used to associate each fill and each position update
    • The seq will be the same when conclude multiple transactions at the same time
    • Different symbols may have the same seq, please use seq + symbol to check unique

    Subscribe Example

    "op": "subscribe",
    "args": [

    Stream Example

    "topic": "",
    "creationTime": 1716800399338,
    "data": [
    "category": "linear",
    "symbol": "ICPUSDT",
    "execId": "3510f361-0add-5c7b-a2e7-9679810944fc",
    "execPrice": "12.015",
    "execQty": "3000",
    "orderId": "443d63fa-b4c3-4297-b7b1-23bca88b04dc",
    "isMaker": false,
    "orderLinkId": "test-00001",
    "side": "Sell",
    "execTime": "1716800399334",
    "seq": 34771365464