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Get Product Info

  • When queried without an API key, this endpoint returns public product data
  • If your UID is bound with an OTC loan, then you can get your private product data by calling with your API key
  • If your UID is not bound with an OTC loan but you passed your API key, this endpoint returns public product data

HTTP Request

GET /v5/ins-loan/product-infos

Request Parameters

productIdfalsestringProduct ID. If not passed, returns all products

Response Parameters

> productIdstringProduct ID
> leveragestringThe maximum leverage for this loan product
> supportSpotintegerWhether or not Spot is supported. 0:false; 1:true
> supportContractintegerWhether USDT Perpetuals are supported. 0:false; 1:true
> supportMarginTradingintegerWhether or not Spot margin trading is supported. 0:false; 1:true
> deferredLiquidationLinestringLine for deferred liquidation
> deferredLiquidationTimestringTime for deferred liquidation
> withdrawLinestringRestrict line for withdrawal
> transferLinestringRestrict line for transfer
> spotBuyLinestringRestrict line for Spot buy
> spotSellLinestringRestrict line for Spot trading
> contractOpenLinestringRestrict line for USDT Perpetual open position
> liquidationLinestringLine for liquidation
> stopLiquidationLinestringLine for stop liquidation
> contractLeveragestringThe allowed default leverage for USDT Perpetual
> transferRatiostringThe transfer ratio for loan funds to transfer from Spot wallet to Contract wallet
> spotSymbolsarrayThe whitelist of spot trading pairs
  • If supportSpot="0", then it returns "[]"
  • If empty array, then you can trade any symbols
  • If not empty, then you can only trade listed symbols
> contractSymbolsarrayThe whitelist of contract trading pairs
  • If supportContract="0", then it returns "[]"
  • If empty array, then you can trade any symbols
  • If not empty, then you can only trade listed symbols
> supportUSDCContractintegerWhether or not USDC contracts are supported. '0':false; '1':true
> supportUSDCOptionsintegerWhether or not Options are supported. '0':false; '1':true
> USDTPerpetualOpenLinestringRestrict line to open USDT Perpetual position
> USDCContractOpenLinestringRestrict line to open USDC Contract position
> USDCOptionsOpenLinestringRestrict line to open Option position
> USDTPerpetualCloseLinestringRestrict line to trade USDT Perpetual
> USDCContractCloseLinestringRestrict line to trade USDC Contract
> USDCOptionsCloseLinestringRestrict line to trade Option
> USDCContractSymbolsarrayThe whitelist of USDC contract trading pairs
  • If supportContract="0", then it returns "[]"
  • If no whitelist symbols, it is [], and you can trade any
  • If supportUSDCContract="0", it is []
> USDCOptionsSymbolsarrayThe whitelist of Option symbols
  • If supportContract="0", then it returns "[]"
  • If no whitelisted, it is [], and you can trade any
  • If supportUSDCOptions="0", it is []
> marginLeveragestringThe allowable maximum leverage for Spot margin trading. If supportMarginTrading=0, then it returns ""
> USDTPerpetualLeveragearrayObject
  • If supportContract="0", it is []
  • If no whitelist USDT perp symbols, it returns all trading symbols and leverage by default
  • If there are whitelist symbols, it return those whitelist data
>> symbolstringSymbol name
>> leveragestringMaximum leverage
> USDCContractLeveragearrayObject
  • If supportUSDCContract="0", it is []
  • If no whitelist USDC contract symbols, it returns all trading symbols and leverage by default
  • If there are whitelist symbols, it return those whitelist data
>> symbolstringSymbol name
>> leveragestringMaximum leverage

Request Example

GET /v5/ins-loan/product-infos?productId=91 HTTP/1.1

Response Example

"retCode": 0,
"retMsg": "",
"result": {
"marginProductInfo": [
"productId": "91",
"leverage": "4.00000000",
"supportSpot": 1,
"supportContract": 0,
"withdrawLine": "",
"transferLine": "",
"spotBuyLine": "",
"spotSellLine": "",
"contractOpenLine": "",
"liquidationLine": "0.75",
"stopLiquidationLine": "0.35000000",
"contractLeverage": "0",
"transferRatio": "0",
"spotSymbols": [],
"contractSymbols": [],
"supportUSDCContract": 0,
"supportUSDCOptions": 0,
"USDTPerpetualOpenLine": "",
"USDCContractOpenLine": "",
"USDCOptionsOpenLine": "",
"USDTPerpetualCloseLine": "",
"USDCContractCloseLine": "",
"USDCOptionsCloseLine": "",
"USDCContractSymbols": [],
"USDCOptionsSymbols": [],
"marginLeverage": "0",
"USDTPerpetualLeverage": [],
"USDCContractLeverage": [],
"retExtInfo": {},
"time": 1689747746332