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Get Margin Coin Info

  • When queried without an API key, this endpoint returns public margin data
  • If your UID is bound with an OTC loan, then you can get your private margin data by calling with your API key
  • If your UID is not bound with an OTC loan but you passed your API key, this endpoint returns public margin data

HTTP Request

GET /v5/ins-loan/ensure-tokens-convert

Request Parameters

productIdfalsestringProduct ID. If not passed, returns all margin products. For spot, it returns coins with a convertRatio greater than 0.

Response Parameters

> productIdstringProduct Id
> tokenInfoarraySpot margin coin
>> tokenstringMargin coin
>> convertRatioListarrayMargin coin convert ratio List
>>> ladderstringladder
>>> convertRatiostringMargin coin convert ratio

Request Example

GET /v5/ins-loan/ensure-tokens-convert HTTP/1.1

Response Example

"retCode": 0,
"retMsg": "",
"result": {
"marginToken": [
"productId": "81",
"tokenInfo": [
"token": "USDT",
"convertRatioList": [
"ladder": "0-500",
"convertRatio": "0.95"
"ladder": "500-1000",
"convertRatio": "0.9"
"ladder": "1000-2000",
"convertRatio": "0.8"
"ladder": "2000-4000",
"convertRatio": "0.7"
"ladder": "4000-99999999999",
"convertRatio": "0.6"
"productId": "82",
"tokenInfo": [
"token": "USDT",
"convertRatioList": [
"ladder": "0-1000",
"convertRatio": "0.7"
"ladder": "1000-2000",
"convertRatio": "0.65"
"ladder": "2000-99999999999",
"convertRatio": "0.6"
"productId": "84",
"tokenInfo": [
"token": "BTC",
"convertRatioList": [
"ladder": "0-1000",
"convertRatio": "1"
"ladder": "1000-5000",
"convertRatio": "0.9"
"ladder": "5000-99999999999",
"convertRatio": "0.55"
"retExtInfo": {},
"time": 1683276016497