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Different Account Modes

There are currently three account modes existing on the Bybit platform, namely classic account, unified account 1.0, and unified account 2.0.

UTA 2.0

This account mode is the ultimate version of the unified account, integrating inverse contracts, USDT perpetual, USDT Futures, USDC perpetual, USDC Futures, spot and options into a unified trading system. In cross margin and portifolio margin modes, margin is shared among all trades.


UTA 1.0

Under this account mode, inverse contract transactions are in a separate trading account, and the corresponding margin currency needs to be deposited into the "inverse derivatives account" before trading, and the margins are not shared between each other. For USDT perpetual, USDT Futures, USDC perpetual, USDC Futures, spot and options are all traded within the "unified trading"


Classic Account

Under this account mode, contract transactions and spot transactions are separated. Inverse contracts and USDT perpetual transactions are completed in the "derivatives account", and spot transactions are completed in the "spot account"


Determine account mode through API

Use the key of the corresponding account to call Get Account Info, look at the field unifiedMarginStatus

  • 1: classic account
  • 3: uta1.0
  • 4: uta1.0 (pro version)
  • 5: uta2.0
  • 6: uta2.0 (pro version)
    P.S. uta or uta (pro), they are the same thing, but pro has a slight performance advantage when trading via API

API usage changes for UTA 2.0

API categoryAPIuta2.0uta1.0
MarketGet Instruments Info"unifiedMarginTrade" is true after UTA2.0 is implemented"unifiedMarginTrade" is false
TradePlace OrderInverse Futures no longer support hedge mode, so "positionIdx" is always 0Inverse Futures support hedge mode, so "positionIdx" can be 0, 1, 2
Get Open & Closed OrdersTo query the final status orders, use openOnly=1, and only retain the latest 500 orders.To query the final status orders, use openOnly=2
Get Order History1. orderStatus is not passed, and all final orders are queried by default
2. Parameters baseCoin and settleCoin are supported
3. Active order query is not supported, and some final orders are limited to query
4. Cancelled orders save up to 24 hours
5. Only orders generated after the upgrade can be queried
1. orderStatus is not passed, and the default query is active and final orders
2. The parameters baseCoin and settleCoin are not supported
3. Active orders and various final orders are always supported
4. No such restriction
Get Trade History1. Supports baseCoin query;
2. The returned createType has a value
3. Only transactions generated after the upgrade can be queried
1. baseCoin query is not supported;
2. The returned createType is always empty string ""
Batch Place OrderSupport inverse contractNot support inverse contract
Batch Amend OrderSupport inverse contractNot support inverse contract
Batch Cancel OrderSupport inverse contractNot support inverse contract
Set Disconnect Cancel AllSupport inverse contract, inverse trading orders will be cancelled when dcp is triggeredNot support inverse contract, inverse trading orders will not be cancelled when dcp is triggered
Pre-upgradeGet Pre-upgrade Order HistorySupports querying orders generated when it is a classic account or unified account 1.0-
Get Pre-upgrade Trade HistorySupports querying transactions generated when it is a classic account or unified account 1.0-
Get Pre-upgrade Closed PnLSupports querying close pnl generated when it is a classic account or unified account 1.0-
PositionGet Position Info1. Passing multiple symbols is not supported
2. In the response, there are changes in the meaning or use of "tradeMode", "liqPrice", "bustPrice" fields
1. Supports passing multiple symbols
Get Closed PnLOnly the close pnl generated after the upgrade can be queried. -
Set LeverageInverse perpetual and inverse Futures only support one-way position mode, and the leverage of buy and sell must be equalInverse Futures support hedge-mode positions, and the leverage of buy and sell can be unequal
Switch Cross/Isolated MarginThe margin mode has become the account dimension, and this interface is no longer applicableInverse contracts support the use of this interface
Switch Position ModeInverse Futures no longer supports hedge-mode positionsInverse Futures supports hedge-mode positions
AccountGet Wallet BalanceNot support accountType=CONTRACTSupport accountType=CONTRACT
Get Transaction Log (UTA)Transaction logs for inverse contracts will be includedThe transaction log of the inverse contract needs to go through the interface below
Get Transaction Log(Classic)After upgrading to 2.0, this interface is no longer applicable.Data from uta 1.0 or classic account can still be obtained
AssetGet Delivery RecordSupport inverse futures delivery recordsNot support inverse futures delivery records
All interfaces involving accountType in this directoryCONTRACT is no longer supported because "inverse derivatives account" does not exist anymoreSupport CONTRACT (inverse derivatives account)
WebSocket Stream/TradeWebsocket Trade GuidelineSupport inverse contractNot support inverse contract