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Switch Position Mode

It supports to switch the position mode for USDT perpetual and Inverse futures. If you are in one-way Mode, you can only open one position on Buy or Sell side. If you are in hedge mode, you can open both Buy and Sell side positions simultaneously.

  • Priority for configuration to take effect: symbol > coin > system default
  • System default: one-way mode
  • If the request is by coin (settleCoin), then all symbols based on this setteCoin that do not have position and open order will be batch switched, and new listed symbol based on this settleCoin will be the same mode you set.


System defaultcoinsymbol
Initial settingone-waynever configurednever configured
ResultAll USDT perpetual trading pairs are one-way mode
Change 1--Set BTCUSDT to hedge-mode
ResultBTCUSDT becomes hedge-mode, and all other symbols keep one-way mode
list new symbol ETHUSDTETHUSDT is one-way mode (inherit default rules)
Change 2-Set USDT to hedge-mode-
ResultAll current trading pairs with no positions or orders are hedge-mode, and no adjustments will be made for trading pairs with positions and orders
list new symbol SOLUSDTSOLUSDT is hedge-mode (Inherit coin rule)
Change 3--Set ASXUSDT to one-mode
Take effect resultAXSUSDT is one-way mode, other trading pairs have no change
list new symbol BITUSDTBITUSDT is hedge-mode (Inherit coin rule)

The position-switch ability for each contract

Classic accountUTA1.0UTA2.0
USDT perpetualSupport one-way & hedge-modeSupport one-way & hedge-modeSupport one-way & hedge-mode
USDT futuresN/ASupport one-way onlySupport one-way only
USDC perpetualN/ASupport one-way onlySupport one-way only
USDC futuresN/ASupport one-way onlySupport one-way only
Inverse perpetualSupport one-way onlySupport one-way onlySupport one-way only
Inverse futuresSupport one-way & hedge-modeSupport one-way & hedge-modeSupport one-way only

HTTP Request

POST /v5/position/switch-mode

Request Parameters

categorytruestringProduct type
  • UTA2.0: linear, USDT Contract
  • UTA1.0: linear, USDT Contract; inverse, Inverse Futures
  • Classic: linear, USDT Perp; inverse, Inverse Futures
symbolfalsestringSymbol name, like BTCUSDT, uppercase only. Either symbol or coin is required. symbol has a higher priority
coinfalsestringCoin, uppercase only
modetrueintegerPosition mode. 0: Merged Single. 3: Both Sides

Response Parameters


Request Example

POST /v5/position/switch-mode HTTP/1.1
X-BAPI-TIMESTAMP: 1675249072041
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 87

"coin": null,
"mode": 0

Response Example

"retCode": 0,
"retMsg": "OK",
"result": {},
"retExtInfo": {},
"time": 1675249072814