Websocket Trade Guideline
- Mainnet:
- Turkey users registered from "www.bybit-tr.com", please use
- Kazakhstan users registered from "www.bybit.kz", please use
- Testnet:
Request Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Comments |
reqId | false | string | Optional field, used to match the response |
op | true | string | Op type. auth |
args | true | string | ["api key", expiry timestamp, "signature"]. Please click here to generate signature |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Comments |
reqId | string | |
retCode | integer | 0 : auth success20001 : repeat auth10004 : invalid sign10001 : param error |
retMsg | string | OK |
op | string | Op type |
connId | string | Connection id, the unique id for the connection |
Request Example
"op": "auth",
"args": [
Response Example
"retCode": 0,
"retMsg": "OK",
"op": "auth",
"connId": "cnt5leec0hvan15eukcg-2t"
Create/Amend/Cancel Order
Request Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Comments |
reqId | false | string | Used to identify the uniqueness of the request, the response will return it when passed. The length cannot exceed 36 characters. |
header | true | object | Request headers |
> X-BAPI-TIMESTAMP | true | string | Current timestamp |
> X-BAPI-RECV-WINDOW | false | string | 5000(ms) by default. Request will be rejected when not satisfy this rule: Bybit_server_time - X-BAPI-RECV-WINDOW <= X-BAPI-TIMESTAMP < Bybit_server_time + 1000 |
> Referer | false | string | The referer identifier for API broker user |
op | true | string | Op type order.create : create an orderorder.amend : amend an orderorder.cancel : cancel an order |
args | true | array<object> | Args array, support one item only for now order.create : refer to create order requestorder.amend : refer to amend order requestorder.cancel : refer to cancel order request |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Comments |
reqId | string | |
retCode | integer | 0 : success10403 : exceed IP rate limit. 3000 requests per second per IP10404 : 1. op type is not found; 2. category is not correct/supported10429 : System level frequency protection20006 : reqId is duplicated10016 : 1. internal server error; 2. Service is restarting10019 : ws trade service is restarting, do not accept new request, but the request in the process is not affected. You can build new connection to be routed to normal service |
retMsg | string | OK "" |
op | string | Op type |
data | object | Business data, keep the same as result on rest api response order.create : refer to create order responseorder.amend : refer to amend order responseorder.cancel : refer to cancel order response |
retExtInfo | object | Always empty object |
header | object | Header info |
> TraceId | string | Trace ID, used to track the trip of request |
> Timenow | string | Current timestamp |
> X-Bapi-Limit | string | The total rate limit of the current account for this op type |
> X-Bapi-Limit-Status | string | The remaining rate limit of the current account for this op type |
> X-Bapi-Limit-Reset-Timestamp | string | The timestamp indicates when your request limit resets if you have exceeded your rate limit. Otherwise, this is just the current timestamp (it may not exactly match timeNow ) |
connId | string | Connection id, the unique id for the connection |
The ack of create/amend/cancel order request indicates that the request is successfully accepted. Please use websocket order stream to confirm the order status
Request Example
"reqId": "test-005",
"header": {
"X-BAPI-TIMESTAMP": "1711001595207",
"Referer": "bot-001" // for api broker
"op": "order.create",
"args": [
"symbol": "ETHUSDT",
"side": "Buy",
"orderType": "Limit",
"qty": "0.2",
"price": "2800",
"category": "linear",
"timeInForce": "PostOnly"
Response Example
"reqId": "test-005",
"retCode": 0,
"retMsg": "OK",
"op": "order.create",
"data": {
"orderId": "a4c1718e-fe53-4659-a118-1f6ecce04ad9",
"orderLinkId": ""
"retExtInfo": {},
"header": {
"X-Bapi-Limit": "10",
"X-Bapi-Limit-Status": "9",
"X-Bapi-Limit-Reset-Timestamp": "1711001595208",
"Traceid": "38b7977b430f9bd228f4b19724794dfd",
"Timenow": "1711001595209"
"connId": "cnt5leec0hvan15eukcg-2v"
Batch Create/Amend/Cancel Order
- A maximum of 20 orders (option), 20 orders (inverse), 20 orders (linear), 10 orders (spot) can be placed per request. The returned data list is divided into two lists. The first list indicates whether or not the order creation was successful and the second list details the created order information. The structure of the two lists are completely consistent.
- Option rate limt instruction: its rate limit is count based on the actual number of request sent, e.g., by default, option trading rate limit is 10 reqs per sec, so you can send up to 20 * 10 = 200 orders in one second.
- Perpetual, Futures, Spot rate limit instruction, please check here
- The account rate limit is shared between websocket and http batch orders
- The ack of batch create/amend/cancel order request indicates that the request is successfully accepted. Please use websocket order stream to confirm the order status
Request Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Comments |
reqId | false | string | Used to identify the uniqueness of the request, the response will return it when passed. The length cannot exceed 36 characters. |
header | true | object | Request headers |
> X-BAPI-TIMESTAMP | true | string | Current timestamp |
> X-BAPI-RECV-WINDOW | false | string | 5000(ms) by default. Request will be rejected when not satisfy this rule: Bybit_server_time - X-BAPI-RECV-WINDOW <= X-BAPI-TIMESTAMP < Bybit_server_time + 1000 |
> Referer | false | string | The referer identifier for API broker user |
op | true | string | Op type order.create-batch : batch create ordersorder.amend-batch : batch amend ordersorder.cancel-batch : batch cancel orders |
args | true | array<object> | Args array order.create-batch : refer to Batch Place Order requestorder.amend-batch : refer to Batch Amend Order requestorder.cancel-batch : refer to Batch Cancel Order request |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Comments |
reqId | string | |
retCode | integer | 0 : success10403 : exceed IP rate limit. 3000 requests per second per IP10404 : 1. op type is not found; 2. category is not correct/supported10429 : System level frequency protection20006 : reqId is duplicated10016 : 1. internal server error; 2. Service is restarting10019 : ws trade service is restarting, do not accept new request, but the request in the process is not affected. You can build new connection to be routed to normal service |
retMsg | string | OK "" |
op | string | Op type |
data | object | Business data, keep the same as result on rest api response order.create-batch : refer to Batch Place Order responseorder.amend-batch : refer to Batch Amend Order responseorder.cancel-batch : refer to Batch Cancel Order response |
retExtInfo | object | |
> list | array<object> | |
>> code | number | Success/error code |
>> msg | string | Success/error message |
header | object | Header info |
> TraceId | string | Trace ID, used to track the trip of request |
> Timenow | string | Current timestamp |
> X-Bapi-Limit | string | The total rate limit of the current account for this op type |
> X-Bapi-Limit-Status | string | The remaining rate limit of the current account for this op type |
> X-Bapi-Limit-Reset-Timestamp | string | The timestamp indicates when your request limit resets if you have exceeded your rate limit. Otherwise, this is just the current timestamp (it may not exactly match timeNow ) |
connId | string | Connection id, the unique id for the connection |
Request Example
"op": "order.create-batch",
"header": {
"X-BAPI-TIMESTAMP": "1740453381256",
"args": [
"category": "linear",
"request": [
"symbol": "SOLUSDT",
"qty": "10",
"price": "500",
"orderType": "Limit",
"timeInForce": "GTC",
"orderLinkId": "-batch-000",
"side": "Buy"
"symbol": "SOLUSDT",
"qty": "20",
"price": "1000",
"orderType": "Limit",
"timeInForce": "GTC",
"orderLinkId": "batch-001",
"side": "Buy"
"symbol": "SOLUSDT",
"qty": "30",
"price": "1500",
"orderType": "Limit",
"timeInForce": "GTC",
"orderLinkId": "batch-002",
"side": "Buy"
Response Example
"retCode": 0,
"retMsg": "OK",
"op": "order.create-batch",
"data": {
"list": [
"category": "linear",
"symbol": "SOLUSDT",
"orderId": "",
"orderLinkId": "batch-000",
"createAt": ""
"category": "linear",
"symbol": "SOLUSDT",
"orderId": "",
"orderLinkId": "batch-001",
"createAt": ""
"category": "linear",
"symbol": "SOLUSDT",
"orderId": "",
"orderLinkId": "batch-002",
"createAt": ""
"retExtInfo": {
"list": [
"code": 10001,
"msg": "position idx not match position mode"
"code": 10001,
"msg": "position idx not match position mode"
"code": 10001,
"msg": "position idx not match position mode"
"header": {
"Timenow": "1740453408556",
"X-Bapi-Limit": "150",
"X-Bapi-Limit-Status": "147",
"X-Bapi-Limit-Reset-Timestamp": "1740453408555",
"Traceid": "0e32b551b3e17aae77651aadf6a5be80"
"connId": "cupviqn88smf24t2kpb0-536o"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Comments |
op | true | string | Op type. ping |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Comments |
retCode | integer | Result code |
retMsg | string | Result message |
op | string | Op type pong |
data | array | One item in the array, current timestamp (string) |
connId | string | Connection id, the unique id for the connection |
Request Example
"op": "ping"
Response Example
"retCode": 0,
"retMsg": "OK",
"op": "pong",
"data": [
"connId": "cnt5leec0hvan15eukcg-2v"