Get Loan Orders
Get up to 2 years worth of historical loan orders.
HTTP Request
GET /v5/ins-loan/loan-order
Request Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Comments |
orderId | false | string | Loan order ID. If not passed, returns all orders sorted by loanTime in descending order |
startTime | false | integer | The start timestamp (ms) |
endTime | false | integer | The end timestamp (ms) |
limit | false | integer | Limit for data size. [1 , 100 ], Default: 10 |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Comments |
loanInfo | array | Object |
> orderId | string | Loan order ID |
> orderProductId | string | Product ID |
> parentUid | string | The designated UID that was used to bind with the INS loan |
> loanTime | string | Loan timestamp, in milliseconds |
> loanCoin | string | Loan coin |
> loanAmount | string | Loan amount |
> unpaidAmount | string | Unpaid principal |
> unpaidInterest | string | Unpaid interest |
> repaidAmount | string | Repaid principal |
> repaidInterest | string | Repaid interest |
> interestRate | string | Daily interest rate |
> status | string | 1 :outstanding; 2 :paid off |
> leverage | string | The maximum leverage for this loan product |
> supportSpot | string | Whether to support spot. 0 :false; 1 :true |
> supportContract | string | Whether to support contract . 0 :false; 1 :true |
> withdrawLine | string | Restrict line for withdrawal |
> transferLine | string | Restrict line for transfer |
> spotBuyLine | string | Restrict line for SPOT buy |
> spotSellLine | string | Restrict line for SPOT sell |
> contractOpenLine | string | Restrict line for USDT Perpetual open position |
> deferredLiquidationLine | string | Line for deferred liquidation |
> deferredLiquidationTime | string | Time for deferred liquidation |
> reserveToken | string | Reserve token |
> reserveQuantity | string | Reserve token qty |
> liquidationLine | string | Line for liquidation |
> stopLiquidationLine | string | Line for stop liquidation |
> contractLeverage | string | The allowed default leverage for USDT Perpetual |
> transferRatio | string | The transfer ratio for loan funds to transfer from Spot wallet to Contract wallet |
> spotSymbols | array | The whitelist of spot trading pairs. If there is no whitelist, then "[]" |
> contractSymbols | array | The whitelist of contract trading pairs
> supportUSDCContract | string | Whether to support USDC contract. "0" :false; "1" :true |
> supportUSDCOptions | string | Whether to support Option. "0" :false; "1" :true |
> supportMarginTrading | string | Whether to support Spot margin trading. "0" :false; "1" :true |
> USDTPerpetualOpenLine | string | Restrict line to open USDT Perpetual position |
> USDCContractOpenLine | string | Restrict line to open USDC Contract position |
> USDCOptionsOpenLine | string | Restrict line to open Option position |
> USDTPerpetualCloseLine | string | Restrict line to trade USDT Perpetual position |
> USDCContractCloseLine | string | Restrict line to trade USDC Contract position |
> USDCOptionsCloseLine | string | Restrict line to trade Option position |
> USDCContractSymbols | array | The whitelist of USDC contract trading pairs
> USDCOptionsSymbols | array | The whitelist of Option symbols
> marginLeverage | string | The allowable maximum leverage for Spot margin |
> USDTPerpetualLeverage | array | Object
>> symbol | string | Symbol name |
>> leverage | string | Maximum leverage |
> USDCContractLeverage | array | Object
>> symbol | string | Symbol name |
>> leverage | string | Maximum leverage |
Request Example
- Python
- Node.js
GET /v5/ins-loan/loan-order HTTP/1.1
X-BAPI-TIMESTAMP: 1678687874060
from pybit.unified_trading import HTTP
session = HTTP(
const { RestClientV5 } = require('bybit-api');
const client = new RestClientV5({
testnet: true,
key: 'apikey',
secret: 'apisecret',
limit: 10,
.then((response) => {
.catch((error) => {
Response Example
"retCode": 0,
"retMsg": "",
"result": {
"loanInfo": [
"orderId": "1468005106166530304",
"orderProductId": "96",
"parentUid": "1631521",
"loanTime": "1689735916000",
"loanCoin": "USDT",
"loanAmount": "204",
"unpaidAmount": "52.07924201",
"unpaidInterest": "0",
"repaidAmount": "151.92075799",
"repaidInterest": "0",
"interestRate": "0.00019178",
"status": "1",
"leverage": "4",
"supportSpot": "1",
"supportContract": "1",
"withdrawLine": "",
"transferLine": "",
"spotBuyLine": "0.71",
"spotSellLine": "0.71",
"contractOpenLine": "0.71",
"liquidationLine": "0.75",
"stopLiquidationLine": "0.35000000",
"contractLeverage": "7",
"transferRatio": "1",
"spotSymbols": [],
"contractSymbols": [],
"supportUSDCContract": "1",
"supportUSDCOptions": "1",
"USDTPerpetualOpenLine": "0.71",
"USDCContractOpenLine": "0.71",
"USDCOptionsOpenLine": "0.71",
"USDTPerpetualCloseLine": "0.71",
"USDCContractCloseLine": "0.71",
"USDCOptionsCloseLine": "0.71",
"USDCContractSymbols": [],
"USDCOptionsSymbols": [],
"marginLeverage": "4",
"USDTPerpetualLeverage": [
"symbol": "SUSHIUSDT",
"leverage": "7"
"symbol": "INJUSDT",
"leverage": "7"
"symbol": "RDNTUSDT",
"leverage": "7"
"symbol": "ZRXUSDT",
"leverage": "7"
"symbol": "HIGHUSDT",
"leverage": "7"
"symbol": "WAVESUSDT",
"leverage": "7"
"symbol": "ACHUSDT",
"leverage": "7"
"symbol": "SUNUSDT",
"leverage": "7"
"USDCContractLeverage": [
"symbol": "BTCPERP",
"leverage": "8"
"symbol": "BTC-Futures",
"leverage": "8"
"symbol": "ETH-Futures",
"leverage": "8"
"symbol": "SOLPERP",
"leverage": "8"
"symbol": "ETHPERP",
"leverage": "8"
"retExtInfo": {},
"time": 1689745773187