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Get Tickers

Query for the latest price snapshot, best bid/ask price, and trading volume in the last 24 hours.

Covers: Spot / USDT perpetual / USDC contract / Inverse contract / Option


If category=option, symbol or baseCoin must be passed.

HTTP Request

GET /v5/market/tickers

Request Parameters

categorytruestringProduct type. spot,linear,inverse,option
symbolfalsestringSymbol name, like BTCUSDT, uppercase only
baseCoinfalsestringBase coin, uppercase only. Apply to option only
expDatefalsestringExpiry date. e.g., 25DEC22. Apply to option only

Response Parameters

categorystringProduct type
> symbolstringSymbol name
> lastPricestringLast price
> indexPricestringIndex price
> markPricestringMark price
> prevPrice24hstringMarket price 24 hours ago
> price24hPcntstringPercentage change of market price relative to 24h
> highPrice24hstringThe highest price in the last 24 hours
> lowPrice24hstringThe lowest price in the last 24 hours
> prevPrice1hstringMarket price an hour ago
> openIntereststringOpen interest size
> openInterestValuestringOpen interest value
> turnover24hstringTurnover for 24h
> volume24hstringVolume for 24h
> fundingRatestringFunding rate
> nextFundingTimestringNext funding time (ms)
> predictedDeliveryPricestringPredicated delivery price. It has value when 30 min before delivery
> basisRatestringBasis rate
> basisstringBasis
> deliveryFeeRatestringDelivery fee rate
> deliveryTimestringDelivery timestamp (ms)
> ask1SizestringBest ask size
> bid1PricestringBest bid price
> ask1PricestringBest ask price
> bid1SizestringBest bid size
> preOpenPricestringEstimated pre-market contract open price
  • The value is meaningless when entering continuous trading phase
  • > preQtystringEstimated pre-market contract open qty
  • The value is meaningless when entering continuous trading phase
  • > curPreListingPhasestringThe current pre-market contract phase

    Request Example

    GET /v5/market/tickers?category=inverse&symbol=BTCUSD HTTP/1.1

    Response Example

    "retCode": 0,
    "retMsg": "OK",
    "result": {
    "category": "inverse",
    "list": [
    "symbol": "BTCUSD",
    "lastPrice": "16597.00",
    "indexPrice": "16598.54",
    "markPrice": "16596.00",
    "prevPrice24h": "16464.50",
    "price24hPcnt": "0.008047",
    "highPrice24h": "30912.50",
    "lowPrice24h": "15700.00",
    "prevPrice1h": "16595.50",
    "openInterest": "373504107",
    "openInterestValue": "22505.67",
    "turnover24h": "2352.94950046",
    "volume24h": "49337318",
    "fundingRate": "-0.001034",
    "nextFundingTime": "1672387200000",
    "predictedDeliveryPrice": "",
    "basisRate": "",
    "deliveryFeeRate": "",
    "deliveryTime": "0",
    "ask1Size": "1",
    "bid1Price": "16596.00",
    "ask1Price": "16597.50",
    "bid1Size": "1",
    "basis": ""
    "retExtInfo": {},
    "time": 1672376496682