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Create Payment

HTTP Request

POST /bybitpay/v5/create_pay

Request Parameters

merchantIdtruestringOnboarding merchant UID
merchantNamefalsestringIf not filled in, we will show users the name of your company doing KYB on the Bybit platform
clientIdfalsestringMerchant client ID
paymentTypetruestringPayment type
  • E_COMMERCE: Bybit QR Pay for e-commerce
  • E_COMMERCE_REFUND: Bybit QR Pay refund for e-commerce
  • customerfalse<CustomerType>Customer info
    merchantTradeNotruestringMerchant order number
    goodstruearray<GoodType>Product description
    orderAmounttruestringOrder amount
    currencytruestringOrder currency (uppercase, e.g., EUR, USD, USDT)
    currencyTypetruestringCurrency type (fiat or crypto)
    successUrlfalsestringURL to return after successful payment (max 256 characters)
    failedUrlfalsestringURL to return after failed payment (max 256 characters)
    webhookUrlfalsestringAPI URL to call when order is successful or failed (max 256 characters)
    orderExpireTimefalseint64Order expiration time in UTC timestamp (second precision), default is 1 hour, max is 1 hour
    envtrue<EnvType>Transaction source
    riskInfofalse<RiskInfoType>Risk info for order pay

    Response Parameters

    payIdstringPay-order ID created successfully
    terminalTypestringTransaction source (APP, WEB, WAP, MINIAPP, OTHERS)
    expireTimenumberOrder expiration time in UTC timestamp (second precision)
    checkoutLinkstringUnified checkout link in Bybit, redirect for payment
    qrContentstringQR code content (base64 Image, valid for 1 hour), developers generate QR image
    order<PayOrderType>Bybit pay order detail
    customer<CustomerType>Customer info

    Request Example

    POST /v5/bybitpay/create_pay HTTP/1.1
    X-BAPI-TIMESTAMP: 1739178959616
    Content-Type: application/json

    "currency": "USDT",
    "currencyType": "crypto",
    "env": {
    "browserVersion": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
    "device": "xxde",
    "ip": "",
    "terminalType": "APP"
    "failedUrl": "",
    "externalUserId": "",
    "userName": "john li",
    "registerTime": "1739178959",
    "kycCountry": "AUS"
    "goods": [
    "shoppingName": "test good",
    "mccCode": "1520",
    "goodsName": "test",
    "goodsDetail": "test"
    "merchantId": "305142568",
    "merchantName": "uquid",
    "merchantTradeNo": "841e4ba2-c7ec-40b1-a071-a2a45de7bd00",
    "orderAmount": "100",
    "orderExpireTime": 0,
    "paymentType": "E_COMMERCE",
    "successUrl": "",
    "webhookUrl": ""

    Response Example

    "retCode": 100000,
    "retMsg": "success",
    "result": {
    "payId": "01JN6AZVEMAC8H9SED6JES3QH8",
    "terminalType": "APP",
    "expireTime": 1740751953,
    "checkoutLink": "",
    "qrContent": "",
    "order": {
    "merchantId": "305142568",
    "clientId": "",
    "paymentType": "E_COMMERCE",
    "merchantTradeNo": "841e4ba2-c7ec-40b1-a071-a2a45de7bd00",
    "payId": "01JN6AZVEMAC8H9SED6JES3QH8",
    "status": "INITIAL",
    "amount": "100",
    "currency": "USDT",
    "currencyType": "crypto",
    "createTime": 1740748353,
    "paymentTime": 0,
    "finishTime": 0,
    "refundOrders": []