Create Payment
HTTP Request
POST /bybitpay/v5/create_pay
Request Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Comments |
merchantId | true | string | Onboarding merchant UID |
merchantName | false | string | If not filled in, we will show users the name of your company doing KYB on the Bybit platform |
clientId | false | string | Merchant client ID |
paymentType | true | string | Payment type E_COMMERCE : Bybit QR Pay for e-commerceE_COMMERCE_REFUND : Bybit QR Pay refund for e-commerce |
customer | false | <CustomerType> | Customer info |
merchantTradeNo | true | string | Merchant order number |
goods | true | array<GoodType> | Product description |
orderAmount | true | string | Order amount |
currency | true | string | Order currency (uppercase, e.g., EUR , USD , USDT ) |
currencyType | true | string | Currency type (fiat or crypto ) |
successUrl | false | string | URL to return after successful payment (max 256 characters) |
failedUrl | false | string | URL to return after failed payment (max 256 characters) |
webhookUrl | false | string | API URL to call when order is successful or failed (max 256 characters) |
orderExpireTime | false | int64 | Order expiration time in UTC timestamp (second precision), default is 1 hour, max is 1 hour |
env | true | <EnvType> | Transaction source |
riskInfo | false | <RiskInfoType> | Risk info for order pay |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Comments |
payId | string | Pay-order ID created successfully |
terminalType | string | Transaction source (APP, WEB, WAP, MINIAPP, OTHERS) |
expireTime | number | Order expiration time in UTC timestamp (second precision) |
checkoutLink | string | Unified checkout link in Bybit, redirect for payment |
qrContent | string | QR code content (base64 Image, valid for 1 hour), developers generate QR image |
order | <PayOrderType> | Bybit pay order detail |
customer | <CustomerType> | Customer info |
Request Example
POST /v5/bybitpay/create_pay HTTP/1.1
X-BAPI-TIMESTAMP: 1739178959616
Content-Type: application/json
"currency": "USDT",
"currencyType": "crypto",
"env": {
"browserVersion": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
"device": "xxde",
"ip": "",
"terminalType": "APP"
"failedUrl": "",
"externalUserId": "",
"userName": "john li",
"registerTime": "1739178959",
"kycCountry": "AUS"
"goods": [
"shoppingName": "test good",
"mccCode": "1520",
"goodsName": "test",
"goodsDetail": "test"
"merchantId": "305142568",
"merchantName": "uquid",
"merchantTradeNo": "841e4ba2-c7ec-40b1-a071-a2a45de7bd00",
"orderAmount": "100",
"orderExpireTime": 0,
"paymentType": "E_COMMERCE",
"successUrl": "",
"webhookUrl": ""
Response Example
"retCode": 100000,
"retMsg": "success",
"result": {
"payId": "01JN6AZVEMAC8H9SED6JES3QH8",
"terminalType": "APP",
"expireTime": 1740751953,
"checkoutLink": "",
"order": {
"merchantId": "305142568",
"clientId": "",
"paymentType": "E_COMMERCE",
"merchantTradeNo": "841e4ba2-c7ec-40b1-a071-a2a45de7bd00",
"payId": "01JN6AZVEMAC8H9SED6JES3QH8",
"status": "INITIAL",
"amount": "100",
"currency": "USDT",
"currencyType": "crypto",
"createTime": 1740748353,
"paymentTime": 0,
"finishTime": 0,
"refundOrders": []