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Error Codes

400000Invalid request parametersVerify the format of the requested data.
400002Signature verification failedEnsure the merchant signature is correct.
400003Request timestamp timeoutVerify the timestamp field in the request header.
400004Order not foundPay(Refund) order not found
400007Unsupported payment typeConfirm that the payment type is supported by the API.
400603Order timeoutCheck if the order has expired.
400621Incorrect payment amountVerify the requested amount.
400620Duplicate payment for orderEnsure the merchant order number has not been submitted twice.
500000Bybit internal errorBybit internal error, such as db error.
500008Merchant not foundConfirm that the provided merchant ID is correct.
500100Payment QR code has expiredPlace a new order to generate a new QR code.
500101Duplicate payment for QR codeVerify the order status before proceeding.
500102Merchant not AvailableMerchant not Available by API now
500103Order has refundOrder has refund, do not refund again
500104Balance not AvailableBalance not available, top up to the refund account(Bybit KYB funding account)
500105Order not paidOrder not paid