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Get latest information of the symbol


Have snapshot and delta types. If a key does not exist in the field, it means the value is not changed.

Push frequency: real-time

Topic: tickers.{symbol}

Response Parameters

topicstringTopic name
typestringData type. snapshot,delta
csintegerCross sequence
tsnumberThe timestamp (ms) that the system generates the data
> symbolstringSymbol name
> tickDirectionstringTick direction
> price24hPcntstringPercentage change of market price in the last 24 hours
> lastPricestringLast price
> prevPrice24hstringMarket price 24 hours ago
> highPrice24hstringThe highest price in the last 24 hours
> lowPrice24hstringThe lowest price in the last 24 hours
> prevPrice1hstringMarket price an hour ago
> markPricestringMark price
> indexPricestringIndex price
> openIntereststringOpen interest size
> openInterestValuestringOpen interest value
> turnover24hstringTurnover for 24h
> volume24hstringVolume for 24h
> nextFundingTimestringNext funding timestamp (ms)
> fundingRatestringFunding rate
> bid1PricestringBest bid price
> bid1SizestringBest bid size
> ask1PricestringBest ask price
> ask1SizestringBest ask size

Subscription Example

"op": "subscribe",
"args": [
"req_id": "test" // optional

Stream Example

"topic": "tickers.BTCUSDT",
"type": "snapshot",
"data": {
"symbol": "BTCUSDT",
"tickDirection": "MinusTick",
"price24hPcnt": "0.017367",
"lastPrice": "17222.00",
"prevPrice24h": "16928.00",
"highPrice24h": "17281.50",
"lowPrice24h": "16915.00",
"prevPrice1h": "17238.00",
"markPrice": "17224.40",
"indexPrice": "17234.84",
"openInterest": "68795.534",
"openInterestValue": "1184961795.83",
"turnover24h": "1572429119.324499",
"volume24h": "91823.449",
"nextFundingTime": "1673280000000",
"fundingRate": "-0.000211",
"bid1Price": "17222.00",
"bid1Size": "220.358",
"ask1Price": "17222.50",
"ask1Size": "3.902"
"cs": 24988405605,
"ts": 1673273043686