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Get different depth

  • Once subscribe successfully, you will receive a snapshot first.
  • The data is sort by order price, which bids is from highest to lowest and asks is from lowest to highest
  • Websocket will keep pushing delta message when orderbook is changed.
  • If you receive a new snapshot data, it is necessary to reset your local orderbook.
  • If there is a problem in bybit end, it will re-send a snapshot, which is promised the latest and accurate.

Level 1 data: if 3 seconds have elapsed without a change in the orderbook, a snapshot message will be pushed again.

  • Level 1 data, push frequency: 10ms
  • Level 50 data, push frequency: 20ms
  • Level 200 data, push frequency: 100ms

orderbook.{depth}.{symbol} e.g., orderbook.1.BTCUSDT

Response Parameters

topicstringTopic name
typestringMessage type. snapshot,delta
tsnumberThe timestamp (ms) that system generates the data.
> sStringSymbol name
> barray<array>Bid array
>> b[0][0]stringBid price
>> b[0][1]stringBid size
> sarray<array>Ask array
>> s[0][0]stringAsk price
>> s[0][1]stringAsk size
> unumberUpdate id, is always in sequence. Occasionally, you'll receive "u"=1, which is a snapshot data due to the restart of the service. So please overwrite the locally saved orderbook
> seqnumberCross sequence (internal value)

Subscription Example

"op": "subscribe",
"args": [
"req_id": "test" // optional

Stream Example

"topic": "orderbook.50.BTCUSDT",
"type": "snapshot",
"ts": 1671179923028,
"data": {
"s": "BTCUSDT",
"b": [
"a": [
"u": 13079592,
"seq": 22520573250