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Error Code

10000An unknown error occurred while processing the request.
10001There was a problem with the value passed to the API
10002Request not authorized - an API key is required and should be included in all requests.
10003Invalid api key
10004Invalid sign
10005Permission denied for current apikey. API key was created without the correct permissions (e.g. doesn´t have Order permission, or it's set to read-only)
10006Too many visits. Refer to the API rate limit. Please use WebSocket for live updates. Current limit is %s requests per minute.
10007Response timeout from backend server. Delivery and request status unknown.
10010Request IP mismatch.
10012DB error
10014Trading pairs not supported.
10015Too many new orders. Please lower request frequency.
10016Service not available.
10017Request path not found or request method is invalid
10018Exceeded IP rate limit.
10020Request not supported.
10021Timestamp for the request is outside of the recvWindow. The timestamp of this request is 1000 milliseconds ahead of the server time. Please check local time and server time.
10022Invalid request signature.
11000Parameter characters not supported.
11001Too many parameters sent for this endpoint.
11002Required parameter not sent. Parameter was empty/null or format was incorrect.
11003Unknown parameter sent.
11004Not all parameters sent were read.
11005Empty parameter.
11006Parameter was sent when no longer required.
11011Order price exceeded upper limit.
11012Trading pair does not exist.
11014TimeInForce parameter sent when not required.
11015Invalid timeInForce.
11016Invalid orderType.
11017Invalid direction.
11018User-generated order ID was empty.
11019User-generated order ID was empty.
11020Invalid interval.
11021Invalid symbol.
11025listenKey does not exist.
11027Query intervals too large.
11028Invalid parameter combination.
11030Invalid parameter sent.
11031Insufficient balance.
11032Order price exceeded upper limit.
11033Order price exceeded lower limit.
11034Order price has too many decimals.
11035Order quantity exceeded upper limit.
11036Order quantity exceeded lower limit.
11037Order quantity has too many decimals.
11038Order price exceeded limits.
11039Order has been filled.
11040Order value exceeded lower limit.
11041Duplicate clientOrderId.
11042Order has been canceled.
11043Order not found.
11044Order being cancelled. Operation not supported.
11045Order cannot be canceled.
11046Order creation timeout.
11047Order cancellation timeout.
11090Cancel order has been finished.
11091Can not cancel order, please try again later.
20001Order does not exist.
20003Missing parameter side
20004Invalid parameter side
20005Missing parameter symbol
20006Invalid parameter symbol
20007Missing parameter order_type
20008Invalid parameter order_type
20009Missing parameter qty
20010New order rejected.
20011Cancelation rejected.
20012qty must be greater than zero and less than 1 million
20013Order does not exist.
20014Invalid API key format.
20015Invalid API key or IP.
20016Trading window not open yet for current pair.
20017Missing parameter order_id
20018Invalid date format
20019Missing parameter stop_px
20020Missing parameter base_price
20021Missing parameter stop_order_id
20022Missing parameter leverage
20023Leverage must be a number
20031Leverage must be greater than zero
20070Missing parameter margin
20071margin must be greater than zero
20084order_id or order_link_id is required
20094order_link_id is not unique.
30002Exit order already exists.
30003qty must be higher than the minimum allowed.
30004qty must be higher than the minimum allowed. The number of contracts exceeds maximum limit allowed. Order qty should be less than 1 million per order.
30005Order price is out of permissible range.
30006No last_price.
30007Order price is out of permissible range.
30008Invalid order_type.
30009No position found.
30010Insufficient wallet balance.
30011Operation not allowed as position is undergoing liquidation
30012Operation not allowed as position is undergoing ADL
30013Position is in liq or adl status
30014Invalid closing order, qty should not be greater than size.
30015Invalid closing order, side should be the opposite.
30016TP and SL must be cancelled before closing the position.
30017Estimated fill price cannot be lower than current Buy liq_price.
30018Estimated fill price cannot be higher than current Sell liq_price.
30019Cannot attach TP/SL params for non-zero position when placing non-opening position order.
30020Position already has TP/SL params.
30021Cannot afford estimated position_margin.
30022Estimated buy liq_price cannot be higher than current mark_price.
30023Estimated sell liq_price cannot be lower than current mark_price.
30024Cannot set TP/SL/TS for zero-position
30025Trigger price should bigger than 10% of last price.
30026Price is too high.
30027Price set for Take profit should be higher than Last Traded Price.
30028Price set for Stop Loss should be between Liquidation price and Last Traded Price.
30029Price set for Stop Loss should be between Last Traded Price and Liquidation Price.
30030Price set for Take Profit should be lower than Last Traded Price.
30031Insufficient available balance for order cost.
30032Order has been filled or cancelled.
30033The number of stop orders exceeds maximum limit allowed.
30034No stop order found.
30035Too fast to cancel, try it later.
30036The expected position value after order execution exceeds the current risk limit
30037Order already cancelled
30038No mark_price.
30039Applied leverage has exceeded the permitted range.
30040Any adjustments made will trigger immediate liquidation.
30041No position found.
30042Insufficient wallet balance.
30043Operation not allowed as position is undergoing liquidation.
30044Operation not allowed as position is undergoing ADL.
30045Operation not allowed as position is not in normal status.
30046There are multiple untriggered stop orders.
30047Inconsistent p:o.
30048Applied leverage has exceeded the permitted range.
30049Insufficient available balance.
30050Any adjustments made will trigger immediate liquidation!
30051Due to risk limit, cannot adjust leverage.
30052Leverage cannot be less than 1x.
30053max_affordable_position_margin <= 0, position:%s
30054fixed_new_position_margin is invalid.
30055Available Balance is not enough to add margin.
30056The position is in cross_margin.
30057Requested quantity of contracts exceeds risk limit, please adjust your risk limit level before trying again.
30063Reduce-only rule not satisfied
30066Set auto add margin fail.
30067Insufficient available balance.
30068Exit value must be positive.
30073Number of active orders is greater than 500.
30074Can't create the stop order, because you expect the order will be triggered when the LastPrice(or IndexPrice, MarkPrice, determined by trigger_by) is raising to stop_px, but the LastPrice(or IndexPrice, MarkPrice) is already equal to or greater than stop_px, please adjust base_price or stop_px
30075Can't create the stop order, because you expect the order will be triggered when the LastPrice(or IndexPrice, MarkPrice, determined by trigger_by) is falling to stop_px, but the LastPrice(or IndexPrice, MarkPrice) is already equal to or less than stop_px, please adjust base_price or stop_px
30076Replace params invalid. Order not modified.
30077Submission of order will result in the breach of user's limit according to open interest.
30078Contracts not in trading status
30079The position is about to trigger a liquidation
30080Price cannot be lower than current Buy liq_price
30081Price cannot be greater than current sell liq_price
30082Position exists No switching of position mode allowed
30083No change in position pattern
30084No changes to the full position-by-position model
30085Margin unchanged
30086With a commissioned order, switching position mode is not allowed
30087Symbol does not support two-way open positions
30088Symbol does not exist
30089Duplicate order number
30090Risk limit info does not exist
30091Illegal orders (meaning that the order os
30092No position is not allowed to set margin
30093No net position
30094Withdrawal of an order before a liquidation is not concluded
30095Full positions are not allowed to modify leverage
31003User account banned
32006The available balance is not sufficient to cover the handling fee.
32008Insufficient available margin.
32009Any adjustments made will trigger immediate liquidation.
32010Risk limit cannot be adjusted due to insufficient available margin.
32011Risk limit cannot be adjusted as the current/expected position value held exceeds the revised risk limit.
33004apikey already expired
34010Wallet Balance is less than zero.
34015Cannot set new leverage as it is equal to the previous leverage.
34017Current leverage is less than 1X
34018Cannot set leverage lower than 1X
34019Cannot set leverage greater than maxLeverage.
34020Cannot set leverage which is same to the previous leverage.
34021Cannot cancel occ_calc_data, the data is wrong.
34022Cannot set leverage which will cause available balance less than 0.
34023The request was canceled because the origin request has been handled.
34024The request does not include add margin data.
34025Increase in leverage has failed.
34026The new limit is equal to the old limit (no change).
34027Cannot adjust leverage.
34028ReCalc Funding Fee Failed.
34030positionInfo not sync with current exec_rpt.
34032PositionSeq not match on Withdraw.
34033Realized PNL already rotated.
34035Add margin not modified.
34036Set leverage not modified.
34037Set custom fee rate not modified.
34038Update deleverage indicator not modified.
34039Update position status not modified.
34040Set TP/SL/TS not modified.
35014Open interest exceeded.
37001Both side positions tp_sl_mode is equal.
37002Same tp_sl_mode.
37003This position has at least one stop-link order and cannot switch between stop-loss and take-profit modes.
37004This position has at least one stop-loss link order and cannot switch between stop-loss and take-profit modes.
37005This position has at least one trailing stop or trailing stop link order and cannot be switched to take profit and stop loss mode.
37006Conditional or limit orders carry a take profit and stop loss parameter
37007Insufficient number of positions left to set Stop Loss and Take Profit
37008Active orders are not allowed to modify the price and quantity when they also modify the trigger price
37009Activity orders are not allowed to modify the stop-loss and take-profit settings if the order is partially filled
37010In Full Take Profit Stop Loss mode, it is not allowed to modify the Stop Profit Stop Loss size
37011In partial SL mode, SL is set to more than 20. Set SL/TP exceeds the limit oldTpNum+oldStNum+newNum=(2 the num is tp+sl)
37012Stop loss price needs to be greater than base price.
37013Stop loss price needs to be less than base price.
38101Replacement of order will result in the breach of user's limit according to open interest.
90015Insufficient balance
90016Rejected by risk control. It may cause liquidation after the transfer.
90063In the progress of liquidation
90066In the reconciliation
90067Reconciliation failed
131200server err
131201biz err
131212user insufficient balance
131217risk check err
131203request parameter err
131204account info err
131206cannot be transfer
131214transferId exist
131215amount err
131216query balance error
131218unify transfer out risk,user's positions are currently under forced liquidation
131219unify transfer out risk,transfer out waring
131220unify transfer out risk,transfer out interest-free-load-limit waring
131221unify transfer out risk,transfer out waring
131222unify transfer out risk,reconciliation check fail
131223unify transfer out risk,refused
131224unify transfer out risk,balance not enough
131225unsupported unify state