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Create Universal Transfer

Create Universal Transfer

It allows to transfer funds between sub accounts, or master-sub account.

  • Can use master or sub acct api key to request
    • To use sub acct api key, it must have "SubMemberTransferList" permission
    • When use sub acct api key, it can only transfer to main account
  • If you encounter errorCode: 131228 and msg: your balance is not enough, please go to Get Single Coin Balance to check transfer safe amount.

HTTP Request

POST /asset/v3/private/transfer/universal-transfer

Request Parameters

transferIdtruestringUUID, which is unique across the platform
cointruestringCurrency type
amounttruestringExchange to amount
fromMemberIdtruestringFrom UserID. fromMemberId cannot be the same as toMemberId
toMemberIdtruestringTo UserID. fromMemberId cannot be the same as toMemberId
fromAccountTypetruestringAccount type
toAccountTypetruestringAccount type

Response Parameters

transferIdstringUUID, which is unique across the platform

Request Example

POST /asset/v3/private/transfer/universal-transfer HTTP/1.1
X-BAPI-SIGN: xxxxxxxxxxxx
X-BAPI-API-KEY: xxxxxxxxxxxx
X-BAPI-TIMESTAMP: 1671163372208
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 219

"transferId": "42c0cfb0-6bca-c242-bc76-4e6df6cbcb06",
"coin": "USDT",
"amount": "10",
"fromAccountType": "UNIFIED",
"toAccountType": "SPOT"

Response Example

"retCode": 0,
"retMsg": "success",
"result": {
"transferId": "42c0cfb0-6bca-c242-bc76-4e6df6cbcb06"
"retExtInfo": {},
"time": 1671163373537